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Lake Minnetonka Dive Spots coordinates?
09-20-2012, 05:00 PM,
Re: Lake Minnetonka Dive Spots coordinates?
I kind of understand splitting these grant projects in two. You can either ask for a large grant to fund a project with an uncertain return on investment. Or, you can fund a smaller project to ascertain if it even makes sense to get wet. Either way someone has to scan the lake first. I think this process actually shows some financial discipline on the part of the project participants. I've read the Minnetonka report. It seems pretty comprehensive. Based on the size of these grants and the time commitment, nobody is getting rich off this work.

And in terms of training volunteer divers, I'm not suggesting a boot camp. Divers would just need some guidance as to how best to document what they see. 2hrs training max.

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Re: Lake Minnetonka Dive Spots coordinates? - by jasondbaker - 09-20-2012, 05:00 PM

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