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TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge
02-25-2014, 05:06 PM,
RE: TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge
I have an 08 Caravan and traction control on the ice we have means your not allowed to drive. It effectively breaks the wheels so you literal can not move and do nothing but burn up break pads. It's crap. So I totally agree(d) with you until last night on my way home.

60mph on hwy 55 East bound and I was getting a little forgetful of the conditions as I follow several cars in the right lane. Conditions went from good to solid ice so I started to slow down and had zero traction. I was skidding at 60 and could hardly tell. Everyone in front was solid break lights yet nobody was catching anyone. I hardly closed the gap to the van in front of me by 200 feet or less. I stayed on the breaks (hard) and let ABS, stability control, skid control, and any other gizmo install do the work because it was working better than a human in this case. I skidded over 3 or 4 seconds (300 feet or more at 55mph) and did not yaw or leave my lane and I could still steer slowly into better conditions. If I was left to pump the breaks I'd be writing from intensive care for sure. Everyone did basically the same and with everyone on the same 'auto-ass-saver' we didn't wreck but all slowed about the same while maintaining lane control. It was f'n awesome. So it blows if you want to go and it's god when you want to stop. I have to push my 'esp off' at every light to get going but I now understand why it turn on at 40mph regardless.

I have the conventional 4X4. If you have traction control, it is using the abs system to maximize traction by basically cutting back the power from the motor to stop the wheels from spinning. I personally can't stand traction control. I like to be in control of my vehicle, not my vehicle being in control. For cars, it isn't bad, but for trucks, I think it is a complete waste. I have 4 high, and 4 low, and 2 wheel drive. That is it. My traction control is me knowing when my tires are about to brake loose, and slip. It takes some getting used to with your truck, but I think that it works a lot better than traction control. Big Grin
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.

Messages In This Thread
TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge - by Terry - 11-24-2013, 01:58 PM
RE: TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge - by arcFlash - 02-25-2014, 05:06 PM

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