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TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge
04-02-2014, 06:49 PM,
RE: TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge
I've done some dumb things in the past and I will do some dumb things in the future... That's just reality.
One time I thought I was disconnected for a bit while diving with Arcflash. The viz was about 10' & I found this old boat on the bottom. I needed to go back to the hole and get my camera. I went back and had Steve tell me the direction and distance I was from the hole so I could find my way back to it. We had walked out to the dive area as the ice was marginal for driving and my camera was in the Jeep at the access. I walked back to get it, and just drove the Jeep back to the hole to save time. My camera was mounted to a big UK D8 dive light with an aluminum bracket that had a couple rare earth magnets in the bracket. Steve told me the boat was S/SE at 75' out. I jumped in the hole and followed my compass that direction for 25 fin strokes and couldn't see the boat. My safety rope was perpendicular to my body, and not straight behind me like it should have been. I figured out quickly that the magnets in the brackets were pulling the compass out of whack. I swam for 15 minutes and finally found the boat again. I was swimming around the upright boat a couple times taking lots of dark grainy video when I felt creeped out. I looked around me and above me and I could not see the 1/2" yellow safety rope any where, I felt around my waist and could not feel it. I had about 800 PSI left and remembered that I was 75' S/SE from the hole. I also remembered that my compass was off because of the magnets, but It never occurred to me to drop the dive light / camera with the magnetic mount. As I started to go to the ice sheet and wait for Steve to come get me with the longer safety rope, something held me down. My safety line was still attached, and it ran down my side and was wrapped around the bottom of the boats hull (just out of view). I unwrapped the safety line and swam back to the hole.

Messages In This Thread
TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge - by Terry - 11-24-2013, 01:58 PM
RE: TRINITY'S 4th annual icing challenge - by DetectorGuy - 04-02-2014, 06:49 PM

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