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SCUBA Radio!
12-16-2003, 08:56 AM,
Re:SCUBA Radio!
Interesting is a good word . . . but not interesting enough to hold my attention any longer.

I've been tuning in regularly for three years now, and I still pick it up once in a while just to give them a chance to prove me wrong . . . but I'm sorry to say that the content of the show is only going downhill.

What I thought was going to be an informative tool, and a great shot in the arm for the dive community has become a sophmoric, two hour ad for live aboards and dive shops in south florida.

They desperately need to bring in more heavyweights from the industry, and discuss more interesting topics (Greg the divemaster's shark feeding exploits become a little boring after the third show). :Smile

The idea of following the current co-host of the show 'Julie the Diving Diva' through her dive certification was a great idea, but then the ordeal with her back took over, lending a feel of 'General Hospital' to the show, rather than diving.

I don't think it's too late to turn the show around, however they may need a new hand at the helm. Wink

Messages In This Thread
SCUBA Radio! - by Chris - 12-15-2003, 01:01 PM
Re:SCUBA Radio! - by Floridays - 12-16-2003, 08:56 AM
Re:SCUBA Radio! - by Chris - 12-16-2003, 03:21 PM

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