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First Dives - Cozumel & Grand Cayman - Expectations?
02-11-2004, 06:36 PM,
Re:First Dives - Cozumel & Grand Cayman - Expectations?
Ah, those first virgin dives off a Caribbean dive boat. You are so lucky. Smile

Here are my general tips:

-- Show up early to the dive boat. It will give you some time to settle down and get familiar with the vessel and crew.

-- Tell the boat captain and divemaster that you are newbies. They will plan the dives accordingly. The dive shop may put you on a boat with other newbies.

-- You will either be overweighted or underweighted for your first dive. Overweighted is probably better. Adjust your weight for the second dive.

-- Dont forget to look, breathe, and have a great time!

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Re:First Dives - Cozumel & Grand Cayman - Expectations? - by jasondbaker - 02-11-2004, 06:36 PM

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