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Best Overall Drysuit-various dive environments
04-22-2004, 07:03 AM,
Re:Best Overall Drysuit-various dive environments
I've used both the CF200, CLX450 and TLS350 and I prefer the TLS hands down. The CF, while being bullet proof, is heavy as a tank, doesn't dry during the dive season and it has a tendency to develop pinhole leaks. The 450 is less flexible than the 350 and while being a bit tougher than the 350, it has a tendency to catch on stuff; for example, I noticed that my suit would get chafed from the harness webbing just because the material was rougher than the 350. The 350 is smooth like a baby's bottom, so it won't catch easily on stuff (like wrecks), but if it does it'll probably rip more easily than a CF. The point with the tls is that your technique has to be good: if you swim in a vertical position banging into stuff, kneel down whenever you can instead of being neutral, wiggle through stuff instead of finesse through openings, the tls might not be the suit for you.
One thing on sizing, always go for the smallest possible size; with DUI that means get one size smaller than the chart tells you. The slicker the suit, the less chance you catch it, regardless of which suit you decide to go with. To give you an example: I'm 6'00" 190# and I dive a stock size medium - no look where I should be according to the chart Wink BTW, this suit fits me much better than my first DUI, which was a custom cut CF200...

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Re:Best Overall Drysuit-various dive environments - by DRE - 04-22-2004, 07:03 AM

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