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suggestions for first underwater camera
04-07-2008, 11:40 AM,
Re: suggestions for first underwater camera
Hi skipschommer,

The best advice for you is to do a little research and find out who/where in Minnesota teaches UW photography.  PADI offers a course but it is very basic and leaves a bit to be desired IMHO.  UW photography can be extremely expensive, especially if you make the wrong purchase.  I can't tell you the number of times I have heard someone say, "I wish I had bought something else."  And the perfect camera rig that "works" for everyone has yet to be invented.  Some people prefer a simple P&S without external strobes because of the compact size and ease of use.  Others prefer a more feature filled P&S with an external strobe because of its greater capability.  While some will only be happy with a high end DSLR, in a Subal or Seacam housing and twin external strobes.  The "trick" to getting good photos from each of these cameras is knowing what they are and are not capable of doing and then maximizing their potential at the same time reduce one's frustration level.  Afterall why even try and shoot close focus wide angle shots with a canon SD550 when it simply is not capable of this sort of work.  Why not confine onesself to  taking that close picture of a banded coral shrimp which it is capable of doing?  A good, well experienced instructor can be invaluable in helping you define what it is you wish to get out of UW photography and how to accomplish your goal in the most efficient, cost effective way.

Questions to ask yourself- placed in no particular order!

1.  Am I familiar with all the functions of my topside camera?
2.  Do I have a basic understanding of photographic principles?
3.  Can I say how these principles differ underwater compared with topside photography?
4.  What is the difference between film and digital photography?
5.  Can a 6 megapixel camera really take better pictures than a 12 megapixel camera?
6.  Do I want to take snapshots underwater or am I looking to take portrait level photographs?
7.  Am I a good diver, who has the basics down, with better than average buoyancy skills?  ---  VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!

There are a number of other questions to ask yourself and perhaps this is a bit more than you were asking for with your question, but there truely is a lot more to answer your question than "just buy this camera."

If what I said makes sense to you and if you have any additional questions you can email me at:




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Re: suggestions for first underwater camera - by imasleeper - 04-07-2008, 11:40 AM

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