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LMA Not allowing boats to Launch if at Prior Lake clean up!
07-29-2010, 06:59 AM,
Re: LMA Not allowing boats to Launch if at Prior Lake clean up!
The Lake Association said There are no Zebra mussels in Lake Minnetonka - and yet the Star & Tribune paper says, "Zebra mussels in Lake Minnetonka
Zebra mussels have invaded the state's 10th-largest lake and threaten to radically change its character within a few years", and they even had pictures! Either the folks at the lake association or the paper are wrong, as they both cannot be right when faced with two opposing views concerning a single fact.

Truth is, it's sad that there are so many invasive species of plants and animals trashing our native species, lakes and lands.
I'm a Mog, Half man half dog - I'm my own best friend.<br />Alcohol doesn't make you fat... it makes you Lean... on tables, chairs &amp; random people.

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Re: LMA Not allowing boats to Launch if at Prior Lake clean up! - by Indigo Blues - 07-29-2010, 06:59 AM

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