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TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
03-21-2011, 01:05 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Diving is a sport where a person relies on redundant systems. I don't do much of anything with out redundancy. I surely was not going to get wrapped up into a 4 month long contest without a plan of how to be successful. I had a goal in mind prior to starting this thing of getting in over 20 ice dives. I ended up with 24. These 24 dives totaled 1110 minutes of bottom time. That is 18 1/2 hours under the ice sheet which doesn't sound like much for a 4 month duration. The average dive was 46 minutes and 15 seconds. My longest ice dive was 81 minutes and the shortest was 10 minutes. The average number of anchors I recovered per dive was 2.083. The least amout of anchors I recovered from one hole was zero and the most I recovered from one hole was 11. This contest for me was more to challenge myself than to actually get a head of someone else. I realize that with out the fierce competition, I would not have had the motivation to be at the landing at 6:30 AM every morning.

The real award should go to our significant others for putting up with our silly game that robbed 16 or 17 weekends of family time. I am sure that there were things that my daughter and wife wanted me to do all those weekends. For those of you who were also in the contest, I am sure you all had your own hurdles to overcome. While I do appreciate the win, I don't know if it was worth the effort and sacrifice to have a bunch of rusting anchors sitting in the yard. At $300 per ton for scrap steel, I can just about put enough diesel fuel in my truck to get them to the to the scrap yard. With ego's as big as mine and the rest of the contestants, I knew that the bragging rights would be more contentious than if we were playing for $10 per diver in a pot.

I will scan in the dive logs and attach the PDF soon and if I could borrow a computer link cable from somebody for my suunto Vyper or Tusa IQ700 dive computer, I can verify the dive logs that way too if anyone is questioning my integrity.

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Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - by DetectorGuy - 03-21-2011, 01:05 PM

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