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A scuba diving hobby-ending injury
01-29-2012, 02:22 PM,
A scuba diving hobby-ending injury
Last September I finally got my chance to dive the Oriscany.  Decending on the second dive, I started to build pressure in my left ear and I did the valsalva manuever to clear it.  At the end of the dive, my hearing in that ear was very strange - it was as if it was full of water - only worse.

After 3 weeks with no improvement, I went to an ENT specialist.  Her diagnosis is that I ruptured a membrane in the inner ear.  She advised me to quit diving.  I called DANS and got a referral to an ENT physician who was also a dive physiologist - Dr. Odland at HCMC.  Early in his career, he was a physician attached to the U.S. Navy dive school.  He arrived at the same conclusion and seconded the advice that I quit diving.

As a former Navy pilot, I am no stranger to the valsalva move.  I have done it hundreds of times.  This dive, I think I let the pressure build too much and rather than halt/reverse my descent, I simply went to the valsalva to equalize it.  I felt no pain during the dive nor afterward.  I have lost half of the hearing in that ear.

So, after 4 years and only 64 dives, I need to hang it up.  Bummer.

Over the next few days, I will be placing a good selection of dive gear on the mnscuba for sale section.  Unlike the ancient dust collectors seen on Craigslist, this gear is new generation and lovingly cared for and professionally maintained.

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A scuba diving hobby-ending injury - by blaughn - 01-29-2012, 02:22 PM

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