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AOW Class Announcement
07-09-2002, 11:54 AM,
UPDATE: AOW Class Announcement
We need someone to coordinate this group effort, since I live in Rochester now it would be best if someone from the cities/suburbs took on this role, however I'd be happy to if nobody else can. The coordinator would take the money, drop it off at the instructors house (or he can pick it up), then distribute the books the the group. He would like to have no more than 6 in this course. I will give the name and phone number to whomever volunteers so you can set this up.<br><br>From the instructor:<br>"Since this is a "group" rate, my assumption was one person in the group would coordinate it. I would collect from them and provide the crew packs (books), this is the reason for the group rate. This certainly seems like a fair approach and should not pose too much of a problem. <br><br>Whoever is willing to coordinate this could stop by my house, or I can drop the crew packs off at their house. Either way is fine with me.  Given the group rate, it will be non-refundable unless cancelled by weather. Each person would need to complete the knowledge reviews for the specific dives we are doing prior to the class.  As with your open waters, there is a medical form and if you answer yes to any quesitons you will need a doctor's approval.<br><br>The coordinator would need to determine if people want to start Friday evening or Saturday Morning. I would plan the 1st dive Saturday for around 9:00AM.  I will also provide maps to Wazee and identify a meeting place when they get the crew packs.<br><br>Here is what I would recommend for the weekend:<br><br>Friday evening<br>Night Dive (Unless people cannot make it until Saturday)<br><br>Saturday <br>Peak Performance Buoyancy<br>Underwater Navigation<br>Search and Recovery or Night Dive (if not done Friday)<br><br>Sunday<br>Deep Dive<br>Search and Recovery (if not done Saturday)"
07-09-2002, 12:22 PM,
Re: AOW Class Announcement
I'd be willing to coordinate this.  Since this is less than a month away we should probably get rolling.  Looks like we have 3 confirmed so far then?  Chris, MNLakeDiver, and myself?  
07-10-2002, 10:39 AM,
Re: AOW Class Announcement
If anyone else is interested in doing the AOW class at Wazee Aug. 2-4 please let me know by this Sunday 7/14.  I will private message you the info. on where to send payment and arrange to get you the instructional materials. Smile
07-30-2002, 10:37 AM,
Re:AOW Class Announcement
What time is everyone going to head to Wazee Friday?
07-30-2002, 02:44 PM,
Re:AOW Class Announcement
I'm headin' over early in the afternoon to try and find a place to camp and get that all squared away.
07-31-2002, 08:40 PM,
Re:AOW Class Announcement
I just found out I need to move to Duluth For the next 4 months, Starting Monday so I am unable to go to Wazee this weekend. Let me know if anyone wants a prepaid AOW class I can meet them with the books.
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
08-01-2002, 08:51 AM,
Re:AOW Class Announcement
Man, sorry to hear that.<br>:'(
08-02-2002, 11:30 AM,
Re:AOW Class Announcement
Well, I'm outta here and headed to Lake Wazee to do my Advanced Open Water course... wish Lonnie and I luck! :o
08-04-2002, 06:43 PM,
AOW - Great Weekend!
As you all probably know, GP and I went for our Advanced Open Water certification this weekend at Wazee. Friday night we did a night dive, which was totally cool! No bugs when we got out either, which was even better. Saturday morning we did Peak Performance Buoyancy, which turned out to be more beneficial than I thought. GP and I both dropped weight off our BC's and our diving is much improved do to increased buoyancy control. Next was the navigation dive, this went pretty well also and we made it back! After the navigation dive, GP and I decided we hadn't had enough yet so we went and rented another tank and did a dive with our cameras. We both had aluminum 80's and we were able to stay down for 65 minutes which we were both happy about. Average depth around 18 feet, just hovering above the bottom taking pictures of the 'toyland' and a lot of fish. We also saw a couple guys out there with rebreathers. Sunday morning we did our deep dive... or at least started to. We got down to about 100 feet for about 3 minutes and my regulator began freeflowing (water temp was around 40), after trying to adjust it with no avail, the instructor handed me his primary and he began breathing off of his alternate... Well, right as we were about to begin our ascent his alternate begins freeflowing! Now, I am using his primary and he is going for his pony bottle... we get to the surface (a little too fast) and he decided to call it a day, which we all agreed with... no sense taking any chances! The whole way up all I could think about was that GP was down at 100 feet by himself... but he did the right thing and began a slow ascent to the surface, made a 5 minute safety stop and came up. So now, GP and I are scheduled to do the remaining two dives on Labor Day... looking forward to it! All in all, awesome weekend despite the incident this morning... I feel this course is really worth it and I am much more comfortable diving now than I was before.
08-05-2002, 08:26 AM,
Re:AOW Class Announcement
Chris and GP,<br>almost -100'!! I wish I could have been there. Not good that you had the reg. trouble but, maybe good as a learning experience. Glad no one was injured. (I won't go into how it's probably safer to be at -100' on just a breath of air... at least not until I've been there).<br><br>Even though you were only at depth for a few minutes.. how did the pressure affect your wetsuits / semi-dry suits? Did you notice the compression factor? How about having to tighten up the weight belts on the way down? Anything else? Just curious... were you freezing?<br><br>Speaking of comfort while scuba diving - I have really noticed a comfort level increase while scuba diving now that I have done a lot of freediving.<br><br>Next time out I'm going for it. Well, at least I'm going to push my pb of -60' to a bigger number. I've had that limit set long enough.<br><br>Fred Johnson
Cold and dark down there huh?

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