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diving mishaps
05-24-2004, 03:11 PM,
Re:diving mishaps
*Almost* didn't have a swimming suit with on my Underwater World dives...fortunately I had one in the car... Wink
Enthusiasm is contagious. Start an epidemic.
05-24-2004, 03:28 PM,
Re:diving mishaps
I have never really told this story because of embarrassment but, after we were certified my brother and I went out in the boat for a dive. I thought I was all ready to go and went to put on my mask only to realize I already had a mask on! I was trying to put a second one over the first! My brother couldn't stop laughing... :Smile
05-24-2004, 03:43 PM,
Re:diving mishaps
I was decending on my 2nd open water certification dive. After I dropped about 3ft I realized it would be better to use the regulator at this point rather than the snorkel.

The switch was made (underwater) and all was well. I blame the error on my bloody nose distracting me.

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