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Diving Courtesy
06-01-2004, 12:58 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
Please excuse the Latin, it was my very obscure way of agreeing with Amanda.

BTW - I was an 'Intern Divemaster' on that historic dive, and, in my humble opinion, nothing malicious was intended by either party. I wasn't going to post anything until, that is until this morning, when I saw how out of hand this thread is getting . . .
'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy
06-01-2004, 01:18 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
Square Lake just isn't big enough for the two of you. I propose a dive knife fight at the second platform on Square tomorrow night. Let's settle this the 'ole fashioned way.

Chickie welcome to the forum and thanks for expressing your view.

06-01-2004, 01:59 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
Who's platform was it on any way?

In my opinion, regardless of what others here have said that there is no ownership rights - which can be correct if it suits their needs for the time being; but I don't see those same people helping to put those platforms in, their costs, maintenance, their construction - only whining that once its in the water it's fair game? Yeah right. I also don't see those same people around should the DNR ask that those platforms be removed for any reason?

I don't own a platform, I didn't put one in, but I know who did - for the last 20 years, those platforms at Golden Acres were provided by Stan at Going Under, Pete, Fantasea Scuba, Northland Divers and consequently Smith Diving and Scuba Center at the County Park. There was another, but that platform was pulled out and is at another lake now.

I've yet to see anyone else providing training platforms? I don't see a lot of people contributing anything to the training area, period, only using it for their own purpose at the expense of those who have already done the work.

The way I see it, there's always a cluster going on at Square Lake and who's on which platform and for how long?
Ironic how other divers, shops, and instructors who use those, or worst yet their wait on the surface for their interval (sometimes for only minutes, I violation of training I believe also), above the platform they were just on, so no one else may use it at the time - because they don't have a platform.

If someone is already on the platform, then a dive shop/instructor, out of safety and confort can move off to another. But when theirs opens up, I believe the courtesy should be given to that shop/instructor who spent the time, money, resources, and hard work to put that platform in for use for their classes.

When I see those groups come out to the lake, I know they are there to train using the training tools/platforms and resources those shops have provided for help with their students. I find it respectful to stay off their platform as a courtesy to them. To me, they deserve the respect - otherwise I can go put my own platfrom in. What's anyone else's excuse for not doing the same? Rights? More like selfishness.

There's many of us who have been diving that lake for decades, and each year it gets worst out there because of all these newbee divers who come out and have no clue how those platforms "magically" appeared. Like they were put there so anyone could do anything they wanted with them? Those same divers wouldn't even know about Square without meeting there for their training.
Instead, I ventured to find out who and how they area became as it did, as anyone should for any divign area that is new to them. Though its been 20yrs now, I have respect for those who built the training area, they did the work, I'm priviledged to use it when I can, so is everyone else. It's a priviledge, not a right.

I think those who decide they can ignore flag rules, and the courtesy of others should stay away from Square Lake - you already set a bad enough example in my opinion. There's plenty of other lakes you can go to, to act superior and above the rules, conduct, and opinion of others and the DNR.
06-01-2004, 02:20 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
Time to open up another beer... ;D
06-01-2004, 02:29 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
Will those that have ownership of the platforms please label them as such, especially the owner of third base (the POS wooden one that is probably a health hazard). Additionally, can all platform owners' class members have matching colored gear that is color coded to each platform so that that the owning shop is able to let underprivileged stores know that they are out expecting to use their platform. Personally I only pass through the platforms to better sights elsewhere, but I would get a kick out of swimming through schools of same colored rototillers. Sort of Minnesotas own colorful little coral reef.

06-01-2004, 04:23 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
And the lurker can no longer resist!

In the immortal words of a King,


Er, that was Rodney King. ???

06-01-2004, 08:27 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-01-2004, 08:29 PM by scubadog76.)
Re:Diving Courtesy
If nothing else, this thread has been great for membership :Smile
&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson
06-01-2004, 08:39 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
Wow! Hope the rain stops soon, the days warm up and the waters of Square clear...
Chickie - can't wait to meet you. Loved your observations.
Dan L
06-01-2004, 11:32 PM,
Re:Diving Courtesy

I'm working a class tomorrow night...I'll have to watch out for "flashing" blades. But please , no spear guns!!! Wink And try not to cut my flag rope , please!!!

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
06-02-2004, 07:21 AM,
Re:Diving Courtesy
I keeping hearing the theme music from the knife fight from west side story in my head while reading these posts.

&quot;Nothing can resist the human will, that will stake even it's existence on it's stated purpose.&quot;-Benjamin Disraeli

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