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What is your Deepest Dive:
03-27-2005, 07:22 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:

"The "Basic Scuba" forum is just a general forum for anything scuba related that doesn't fall into one of the other specialized forums.  It isn't necessarily "Basic" as in beginner or OW diving so it should be alright here.  Looks like we have a lot of different responses in this one.  Obviously those that have the deeper dives are tech divers.  You are right though, how deep one has dove is not something one should boast about since scuba is not about competition but I don't think that was Eric's intent when he started this thread.  Judging by everyone's response I don't think anyone is taking it that way either which is good. "

I just thought it would be interesting to see what people would say, and to hear all about the different dive sites. I don't really care if your deepest dive was 20' at Square Lake or 300' on the Gunilda. When you tell people you are a scuba diver what is usually the first thing they say or ask you? "How deep do you go?" My intent was just to hear about fellow divers deepest dive and where they did it. Deep diving is not a competition nor is diving in general. But for me my deepest dive to date was a very important accomplishment for me and maybe some other divers out there feel the same about their deepest dive.

03-27-2005, 07:44 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
I like it because it is one anyone can chime in on, I know nothing about breathing 100% ox for deco but like to share on the board, it is a way to get to know people, it also gets people involved and fired up for the season, things have been a little slow around here this winter.

03-27-2005, 08:05 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
60ft while scuba diving in the darkness and muck of W.McDonald lake near Dent, Minnesota.  and you're right about the question that everyone asks.. for me, it's either "how deep have you gone"... or "how long can you hold your breath"?  I hate holding my breath to see how long I can, but I love holding my breath to see how deep I can go.. which so far is about 48' deeper than my deepest scuba dive Big Grin
Cold and dark down there huh?
03-27-2005, 09:20 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
114 during my Deep Dive for advanced certification in Louise Pit at Crosby Mine Pits
03-27-2005, 10:56 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
109' in Grand Cayman back in 95, After many years of no diving, 95 in Cozumel a couple weeks ago.
03-27-2005, 11:05 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
185' Lake Wazee
03-28-2005, 09:36 AM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
Deepest under the ice, 120 ft. without a safety line. Am I nuts or what?
03-28-2005, 10:25 AM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:

I did a 140' night dive once in Bonaire that was very interesting...
03-28-2005, 11:34 AM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
155' - Wazee

However, while I really do enjoy deep diving just for deep diving sake. I much prefer wreck diving and if it happens to be deep, and very often it is, well that's all the better!

-E. Myers
03-28-2005, 01:27 PM,
Re: What is your Deepest Dive:
In class I was told that the deepest depth a diver could go is 130'. How is it possible to go deeper than that? What special equipment is needed?

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