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Cheap underwater lights
07-24-2002, 06:47 AM,
Cheap underwater lights
Say, in a discussion on a different thread we were talking about night diving.  Some time ago I picked up several cheap.. like $6.00  energizer waterproof flashlights at wal-mart (I think) and I haven't had a chance to test them at depth.  Anyone familiar with them.  They seem to have the same seal configuration, maybe a poorer o-ring though as my Princeton dive light and not as powerful candle power.  I plan to check them out this weekend..  hey, for $6.00 if they don't leak I got use for them on the drop rope.<br><br>Fred Johnson
Cold and dark down there huh?
07-24-2002, 07:53 AM,
Re: Cheap underwater lights
Worth a try I guess but if I'm on a night Scuba dive, I don't think I'd want to risk using an unproven light that may crap out on me during the dive at 50 or 60 ft underwater.  I have the UK Sunlight C8 primary and a UK-SL4 backup lights and they work real well.  They can be bought for pretty decent prices from but not for $6.00. thoughSmile
07-24-2002, 08:42 AM,
Re: Cheap underwater lights
No, I wouldn't want to depend on them for diving either, but to fasten them with duct tape to the drop rope I sometimes use might work fine.  If they seem to hold up this weekend maybe using them as a backup for an evening snorkel might be fine.  If nothing else... they'll work in the tent.<br><br>I'll post what I find out.<br><br>Fred Johnson
Cold and dark down there huh?
07-31-2002, 07:22 PM,
Re:Cheap underwater lights
A good source I've found is industrial safety supply stores. They usually carry a good assortment of flash lights that are rated for use in mines (MSHA) or hazardous atmospheres, etc., and are usually the brands you recognize from the local dive shop, but better prices. My 3 C cell light is from ikelite ($20) and my main light is a King Pelican 8 D cell I got for about $55.<br><br>They also sell the little glow sticks, as does walmart.<br><br>HG
08-01-2002, 09:00 AM,
Re:Cheap underwater lights
Didn't take the time to check out the cheap lights last weekend. Maybe this weekend. Shouldn't be too tough.. it's just to take them to the bottom with me. It's probably one of those "get what you pay for" deals.<br><br>Fred Johnson
Cold and dark down there huh?
08-13-2002, 11:47 AM,
Re:Cheap underwater lights
Took the cheap lites to -20 feet quite a few times and to -40' several times with no leaks or malfunctions.. and they floated along in my milk crate for over an hour. Need to spend more time in some deeper water with them yet.. but so far so good.<br><br>Fred
Cold and dark down there huh?
08-24-2002, 09:26 AM,
Re:Cheap underwater lights
Hey HG where did you find that industrial safety supply store??<br>I could really use some dive lights ;D
09-29-2002, 07:12 PM,
Re:Cheap underwater lights
I took my purple engergizer rabbit light down to 120'. I kept the light on the whole time... and of course it is not my primary or secondary... just an extra! I have about 1/2 tsp of water in the bulb area when I surfaced.

But it still works... and of course, it did work great in the tent!

11-16-2002, 12:41 PM,
Re:Cheap underwater lights
Just out of couriosity has anyone ever tried Maglites out
under water?

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