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May Diving
03-09-2006, 09:21 AM,
May Diving
:'( My buddy will be away on business for the ENTIRE month of May (except weekends Big Grin). Does anyone have any diving plans for May and need a buddy?  Smile

I can't imagine letting an entire month go when I know I have so few (until I get my cold weather and dry suit cert Big Grin)
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-09-2006, 10:23 AM,
Re: May Diving
Just follow the diving get togethers forum.  After ice out there is usually at least one new thread started every week planning diving outings for the upcoming weekends etc.
03-09-2006, 10:37 AM,
Re: May Diving

Yes, but, I was under the asumption that you had to "bring your own buddy". Do they usually have unpaired divers arriving, and then pair up at the site? What if there's an odd number? I'd hate to arrive for a dive, only to find I cannot go under... :/
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-09-2006, 11:35 AM,
Re: May Diving
Sag -
The buddy thing is more about interaction than number. I've gone on dives with 2 to 5 divers. Don't always end the dive that way...
Seriously, I think you will have no problem linking up with another diver or two as Lonnie suggested. 
Dan L
03-09-2006, 11:53 AM,
Re: May Diving
Excellent! Thanks for the responses. I've never gone on "fun dives" before with local shops - and haven't been diving in MN at all; so I had no idea what to expect. I feel much better now.  ;D
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-09-2006, 12:25 PM,
Re: May Diving
Oh, I wasn't aware you were referring to dive shop fun dives.  Like Dan said, you need not worry about finding a buddy at a dive shop sponsored fun dive event.  I guess I was referring more to the non-dive shop diving get togethers.  If you see someone posts a planned dive outing you can always chime in and see if they wouldn't mind having an extra diver tag along.
03-09-2006, 12:29 PM,
Re: May Diving
Oh, I wasn't aware you were referring to dive shop fun dives.  Like Dan said, you need not worry about finding a buddy at a dive shop sponsored fun dive event.  I guess I was referring more to the non-dive shop diving get togethers.  If you see someone posts a planned dive outing you can always chime in and see if they wouldn't mind having an extra diver tag along.

AH! Not a problem. I guess I was referring to both.  Wink It seems like it'll work out either way tjhough  ;D

Thanks for all the help!
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-09-2006, 04:50 PM,
Re: May Diving
And I thought perhaps you'd like to scout out some spots for fishing, before the season starts :Smile.  Beleive it or not you've already got some people set up and ready to go diving with ya.  Let me know when yer ready and we'll set it up and go.  Thats one of the great things about a forum like this ;D.  By the way your invitation ta join us on the surface for an ice dive is still open.  Shooter and I are planning to be out at West Rush Lake this Saturday.  I know ya couldn't make it last time, but maybe this time.
03-09-2006, 05:04 PM,
Re: May Diving
Thanks. I certainly plan on fishing...but hitting the water wont work until it can be done w/ 7mm Big Grin I'm really looking forward to hooking up with you.

I was reading about the ice dive this Saturday...unfortunately, we just had our condo painted, and now the work will begin to put the place back together - and its the last weekend to prepare before leaving for Cozumel on the 15th.

I'm really bummed I couldn't make it last time. But, alas, sometimes life happens :-\

Thanks again for the invite. When does the "standard" diving season start? i.e. 7mm wetsuit and a regulator that rated for 50 deg and higher? That's when I'll be ready. Is May too soon?

Sorry for being do ignorant, but, I've only lived in MN for about 6 months....
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-09-2006, 05:23 PM,
Re: May Diving
After the ice melts, it really depends on your tolerance - I've done Superior in a 5mm with a 3mm hooded vest when it was 40F. Smile

I know the Scuba class at my college takes kids out to dive in 7mm farmer john's around early May, so you should definitely be good to go by then.

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