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Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
06-30-2006, 09:19 AM,
Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!

I just found out that Gander Mountain in Lakeville has opened a SCUBA department AND is offering instruction.  And it's Divers Direct making it possible by entering into this partnership ()

I challenge all MNSCUBA members and readers to BOYCOTT this 'shop' -- keep in mind that the smaller local shops are the ones making it possible for you to get air refills when you visit Duluth, or even right at your campsite when you going them on a camp and dive weekend with them (like Air Down There).

If we start buying gear from corporate mega-stores like Gander Mountain, the local shops aren't going to be able to survive -- then what????  you want to drive down from Superior in order to refill your tanks????

Think of how Wal-Mart has killed the family owned stores in smaller towns -- Gander Mountain could do the same thing in our smaller dive community.   IT"S  A SCARY THING!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! BOYCOTT ! ! ! ! ! ! !
06-30-2006, 10:04 AM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
First, Gander Mountain is a MN company so I don't see why we should boycott them.  If they didn't do it then maybe Cabelas or REI would have tried. 

Second, I think competition is good.  If the mega-stores win our business then they deserve it.  If it forces the local shops to increase service and support in order to compete, who wins? We do.

Finally, local shops will exist as long as there is a need.  Dive shops have to play by the same rules as every other small business out there.  If people don't need to buy fills from you anymore then too bad.  You should have picked a different location or line of work. You should have changed your business model to conform with your customer's changing needs.  Nobody guarantees that your small business will succeed.  That's the risk we all take as business owners and entrepreneurs.  We will always be able to get fills in Duluth as long as enough people need fills and someone can make a profit selling those fills.
06-30-2006, 12:28 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!

Well put!

The SCUBA industry could use a few more people with a sound business head.
06-30-2006, 04:39 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
At the risk of alienating any other shop owners out there -Well said both Jason & Ghosch.  I thought that this subject had been pretty well disected already.  Our general philosophy of business is that we will do what we need to do to remain viable (profitable) while maintaining the identity we choose for ourselves (high value added/service)  If we are not able to do this and remain competitive (retain our customer base and grow into new markets) we will gladly go away.  I don't know anyone who would willingly put themselves through the rigors of owning a small business without at least the promise of reward in the long run.  We never look at competition as a bad thing, it is simply another opportunity for us to demonstrate why we are the better option. 
06-30-2006, 04:41 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
Well said, Lee!
My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!
06-30-2006, 05:09 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
Hi Lee,
It was good chating with you briefly up at CROSBY three weeks ago.  Thank you for your  great comment.  As a former banker for Norwest,  that is the exact perfect answer I would want you to say if we had a large loan with you.

Competition is always good.  Great Service is ALWAYS BETTER then the competion.  You and the other dive shops in town GOING UNDER DIVE CENTER, AND  Scuba Dive and Travel   do a great job at service.

take care

06-30-2006, 05:17 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
If your shop has something to offer it should do well. I noticed GM had alot of equipment that I don't use. SD&T takes care of me. They stock the supplys for the type of diving that I do. They carry quality equipment, and servce it. I know SD&T "Ozzie" always does a real nice job on servicing my equipment. Who takes care of your equipment there? Do you know him/her? Would you trust your life to them?

Perhaps GM will attract a new group of people who would otherwise not be divers. In turn they would spend some amount of dollars at local dive shops.

Dont be a glass is half empty kind of person!
07-01-2006, 08:56 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!
If anything I think that this will make the local dive shops "step up their game " because customer service is EVERTHING when it comes to the dive industry...I wouldnt worry to much about the coperate monster, because I think that the real divers who are spending real money realize that the price tag is NOT the only thing to look at when choosing which retailer to purchase from. It pretty easy to see the differance when the saleman who just sold you a fishing rod trys to sell you a dive computer.... Tongue
07-02-2006, 07:18 AM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!

Well said Will.  If GM brings in more divers, everyone will benefit.
07-14-2006, 08:13 PM,
Re: Corporate Retail out to kill local shops!


I wonder if this will make Adventure improve their service.  My apartment is practically next door to them and it's so frustrating having to sit in traffic on 35W heading to Egan or Burnsville for a *reliable* airfill.
---------------------------------<br />Have tank, will travel.

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