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Computer Illiterate
01-09-2007, 07:45 PM,
Computer Illiterate
Okay, I really don't like working with pc's.  I really like using it, but don't know how to work it all that well. 

Does anyone know of a bulletin board for either microsoft, or pc useage?  I just bought a chevy blazer recently, and found  It's been helpful for many things.  Now, I'd like to post questions about why this does this, and that doesn't do this, and why this is making that do this...

you get what I mean?

Stupid computers! >Sad
01-09-2007, 08:42 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
I know nothing of such a place, but I would be willing to start up a support group ;D
Oops Did I really say that?????
01-10-2007, 08:05 AM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
you might try
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
01-10-2007, 02:48 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
I'm a programmer by trade and none of us go to one place for answers. We just google the error message and surf around. Sometime it help to have others google if you can't find it. The reason is how they order the words or the phrases they use will differ and that can make all the difference.

And if it makes you feel better none of us geeks know anything about computers anymore. Things are so complicated these days I'm supprise any thing works.

Good luck.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
01-10-2007, 03:51 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
Ya know, it's funny.  On that Blazer site, someone will  post that they hear a cluck or thunk when ever they do whatever.  Then ask, what could it be?

They'll get 4 to six different answers!  And here I thought that was exclusive to computer geeks! ;D

But maybe it would be cool to start a bulletin forum like that...with some knowledgable folks on it.  But, I have a feeling some of the answers may get a bit lengthy.

They could even have a photo gallery..."my monitor", "my tower", "my mouse"  Big Grin

01-10-2007, 10:26 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
Yep! Funny is that I paid for most of my college working on cars and many people at my shop ask me to listen to their car clunk or clank and I get it most of the time but I always have three or four things in my head. I give something like, 25% it's the starter, 50% battery, 12% wires are green and 12% the key. The remaining 1% is rounding error.

You have to keep your options open to keep credibility.  ;D

I just finished a head gasket on a Honda Del Sol if anyone wants a 1995 Honda with 150k.  No warranty!

Honest car talk: Even the classic diagnoses isn't a sure thing. My wife blew the head on her Honda and the coil went at the same time. I did some basic diag. and figured the head but I didn't see milky oil so I went with a timing belt slip. The belt was old and it looked loose so I replaced it but then no spark so I tested the coil and it was bad. Replacement got it running but it overheated right away and then the milky oil showed up telling me the head blew.... lesson: It's not always one thing. I guess the weak head put a load on the coil and burned it out and the new one finished off the head gasket but I'm not a pro, just a recovering gear head and a tightwad who can't bring himself to pay $90 an hour.

If you want my 2 cents on your Chev PM me.

PS: I know some geeks who actually post pictures of there systems!

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
01-10-2007, 10:32 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
Arch Flash,

Maybe we can have a scuba discussion out of your story about your wife blowing some head,

but... actually your sentence about it often times is not ONE PROBLEM that causes the  car to not start,  its a series of problems.    AN ANAOLOGY COULD BE MADE TO THE DIVER IN TROUBLE. 


01-10-2007, 10:40 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
Now Max! Are you going to make me defend my wife's honor?
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
01-10-2007, 11:36 PM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
Hey Max, we all know about the cascade failure effect. Dont we.
Arcflash and flyboy.
I'm just a rookie with 32 years in automotive repair. I think their is a closed circuit rebreather diver out there that out ranks me. Any questions. Just pm me. I would also point you to a site call Iatn. Stands for International automotive technicians network. It is an OPUTSTANDING SITE.
01-11-2007, 08:03 AM,
Re: Computer Illiterate
Why don't you just by a car from me.  I've got a used car lot goin' over here!

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