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Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
04-24-2007, 09:30 AM,
Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
I did a couple web searches and found zilch. I was wondering if any of you have ever found a decent drysuit/wading boots with velcro straps instead of string laces (and fin tabs). And if it's a wading boot brand, preferrably it would have a rubber lugged sole instead of the flat felt bottom.

ps. I know some rock boots have velcro tabs to keep the laces secure so this is a different request. Also, after diving regular rock/wading boots for awhile now I'm not that worried about the velcro coming loose if some air gets down there.
04-24-2007, 11:18 AM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
04-24-2007, 11:34 AM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
I think I know what you are talking about :-\

The closest to what you are looking for are the Whites boots.  The current version does have laces, however if I recall correctly they are bungee material with a tab on the end.  You slip your foot in, pull the tab, hook it on a matching tab on the boot then Velcro the top.  Quick, easy and very secure.

The sole is very substantial, great arch support and very well made.  Long story, but a friend of mine used those to traverse a marsh.  Even though the mud was thick, he did not loose a boot and the sticks and reeds did not hurt the boot. 

I have an older style of Whites with the same great sole, but it has regular laces.  Once I get the undergarments on, drysuit pulled up it is a chore to lace up the shoes.  I am probably going to upgrade this summer to the new style.

I got mine at Smith Diving, I am sure they have some for you to look at.

04-24-2007, 11:41 AM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
DUI, Whites, Bare, etc, etc, etc - all have rock boots with laces. Nice boots (but a bit expensive). But they all have laces and laces suck.

For about 2 years now I've been using a wading boot (the kind made for hip waders with socks) that have been pretty good, only cost $30 and have a regular boot sole (whereas some wading boots have flat felt soles). But these boots have laces too - laces are so 20th century Smile

So I was curious if anyone else who dives dry has ever found a good rock boot solution with velcro straps instead of laces. And I'm not worried about a "air in the feet" situation popping the velcro straps open.

And ideally, this boot would have some type of fin tab so the spring strap of the fin can't slide or be bumped off.
04-24-2007, 11:45 AM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
I too prefer the "rock boot" variety made by DUI, Whites, Bare, etc.  The only down side to these style boots for me is the laces but they aren't that big of a deal I guess.  Velcro instead of laces would be a nice convenience.  I do not know of any boots specifically though that are "all" velcro closure as opposed to laces or bungees.
04-24-2007, 11:48 AM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
Wetsuit boots work ok if you get the right size.  I've tried them before and they do work although they offer a bit less support since they do not get quite as snug.  Might be worth a try.
04-24-2007, 12:02 PM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro

I didn't notice that you posted about the new White's Boots while I was writing my last post. I will definitely stop by Smith Diving to take a look.


I tried using my coldwater wetsuit boots (Seasoft - luv these boots) but it just didn't seem as secure as a standard boot. And it was more of a hassle sliding the socks into the neoprene opening versus just letting the laces out all the way on the regular boot (which would be even easier if it had velcro).

Ahhh, maybe I'm just on a rant lately. Diving is awesome yet every once in awhile something in the process just seems like it should be easier. And about then you find out the HOG divers already came up with something simple, cheap and effective and you kick yourself for not asking about it or thinking of it yourself.

04-24-2007, 03:14 PM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
Ok i get it,

Here is another question, I have a bare drysuit but my boots are a hard attached boot. I have never tried the rock boot style. What is the major difference? (air space, walking ease???)
04-24-2007, 03:24 PM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
The biggest advantage I see is the added ankle support of rock boots since virtually all of my diving is from shore.  Less air space is a plus too but isn't really an issue if you dive in proper horizontal trim and don't pump your suit up like the michelin man.  I've tried the built in drysuit boots and the DUI turbo soles in the past and didn't like either option as well as the rock boots.  One other nice thing is being able to take off the boots and just rinse the boots after the dive rather than having to grab the whole drysuit to do it.  Again, not a big issue just an added convenience.  Many cave divers and those that primarily dive off of boats tend to prefer the turbo sole option as they are less bulky and do not impede ankle movement making some of the other fin kicks a little easier to do.
04-24-2007, 11:48 PM,
Re: Drysuit Boots w/Velcro
It is all in the name, sort of....

Rock boots, Whites, and the like are just what the name implies... made for walking on rocks, like we do a lot of up here in areas like Crosby and Superior.  The ones I use have really great soles and arch support. If you have to walk down the path to the wreck/lake/whatever they make a HUGE difference.  Just think, if they are good for walking on rocks, they are great for walking on the parking lot!

I am not a tiny person.  In order for my foot to get past the bend in the old style boots, the boot itself had to be pretty big.  Even then, it was not a easy slip on/off.  The "sock" on the drysuit is much easier to get into.

Getting geared up takes a few minutes more, because of the laces, but it is worth it IMHO.  I can also wear ice cleats while tending and the like during the ice season. 

Diving wise, I like the snug fit of the boots.  I use smart wool under the drysuit then the boots over the suit. My feet have not felt cold.  For the most part I do not over inflate my drysuit, I like a light hug feel at best, however, I don't use ankle weights too much anymore after getting the boots.  The fins also feel a bit more secure, but it would be hard to quantify if it made a real difference in my kick.

I have an Andy's drysuit.  It came with the standard attached boot.  When it came time for service I had them replaced with a crushed neoprene sock so I could use the Whites boots.  Next time I will go for latex or just a continuation of the tri-laminate material.  It takes awhile for the crushed neoprene to dry.  The suit also packs much tighter without the bulky attached boots.

One thing to think about.  Just a few years ago DUI's Rock Boots were a new thing.  Now look around at all the drysuit manufacturers now offering some kind of similar boot.  Supply follows demand.  So people must be demanding the "Rock Boot" style exterior boot. 

Anyone else out there using exterior boots? What are your thoughts?

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