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Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
12-18-2007, 12:38 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-18-2007, 04:51 PM by Shooter.)
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

A Christmas gift from our host. 8)   

notice the two different techniques between line shafting and free-shafting

PS, I really need to go diving bad. Plenty of four wheeler traffic on the ice.........
12-18-2007, 03:02 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
Lets cut us a hole and go swim'n!
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
12-27-2007, 04:24 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
OK  ;D
So the meeting has been scheduled to discuss the spear trip to Florida.  What more fitting place to discuss a dive trip to Florida than a frozen lake at the end of December in Minnesota  :o

YUP  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
We're talkin ICE DIVE.

Arcflash and Brian here are some directions to the lake ( or ya can jus look on a good map). 

From Cambridge take 95 West past 47 to Pine Lane (also called 7).  Follow Pine Lane South past 331 AVE to the Boat Landing on Green Lake. 

Nate and I will meet ya there at about 0900 this Sunday.

We're hoping to open two holes out at the sunken island and get in multiple dives using both shelters.  I kinda doubt the ice will be thick enough for cars or trucks, but with Nate's 4 wheeler and trailer we should get out there with no problems. 
01-18-2008, 09:37 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

Couple of HD diving videos to get you through the cold week. I love the Drowning Pool,  addition
05-01-2008, 07:44 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

We are set! Boat has had some new and recent updates. Our host has started to contact all of his dive Associates and tell them they are not going to be diving over Memorial weekend ;D . Because we will have their tanks. Our goal is to come up with 60 120s. Since I will be arriving early.  I'll have the distinct honor and pleasure of loading all these tanks on the boat. Keep that in mind when we get back to need to unload them all  ;D. We will be starting in the north end of the grounds ( more shallow 80-90') and moving south towards the recreational limit :o to give you greenhorns a less steep learning curve  ;D . Our guide has taken care or aquiring our tools of death and destruction. 60" shafts are about $25 a piece if you lose or break them. I told him not to worry so much about buying groceries, as I'm sure you guys won't mind the unlimited fresh seafood buffet's. Calamari, lobster, grouper, Snapper, Amber Jack, etc. etc.  8)  the countdown has begun!
05-08-2008, 07:02 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

Since we are leaving in two weeks, I thought maybe we should get together and go over any last-minute details, otherwise I can just pick you guys up at the airport. If we're going to meet it would probably work best if we meet here in Cambridge at my shop.  I will have spear guns, dvd's, and other equipment here.  And we still have a spot available if anybody else wants to go.  Also if anyone has considered going you're welcome to attend the meeting and see what it's all about.  It will probably be an annual trip.
05-08-2008, 08:53 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
I'll need a date soon. I'm booking up weekends fast, All fun, no work, Ya me!

I may have Sundays open but I'll have to shorten plans to do that.

Art, it's your call. My schedule can flex if it helps out the team.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
05-09-2008, 06:06 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
I'll check with Brian and see if we can come up with a date.  I work this weekend, but am off next weekend. I'll let ya know ASAP.
05-09-2008, 06:47 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

I can do it during the week as well. Thurs nights work best.
05-09-2008, 08:42 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-09-2008, 08:45 AM by arcFlash.)
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
Weeknight: It's unlikely I can get to Cambridge by a reasonable hour given traffic across the metro.

My drive would be at least to 2:30 add rain and I'm looking at over 3 hours. No thanks.

Next Sunday is better. I will be in McGregor on the 17th, Saturday. I'll pass you on the way home Sunday.

If that's not working for the rest, Skip me and I'll just have to get read in after the meeting or I'll see to Nate on that Sunday for little bit.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.

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