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Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
05-09-2008, 05:30 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
Any evening at about 6:00 would work on our end (except for this weekend).  Next Saturday the 17th would be the only real possibility for a day shot.  For Saturday the 17th we would have to be done by 1:00 as Brian has plans at 2:00....
05-09-2008, 06:03 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
6pm isn't realistic for me and the 17th is booked. Sunday the 18th is kind of open.

Nate any chance you want to hook up on the 18th? I could stop by your shop on the way back for spear gun safety 101 and any trip advice. I could also be equipped for a dive if that sweetens the deal.  :Smile
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
05-09-2008, 06:09 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
How long are we going to meet? I got to help a buddy the 17th but if the meeting isn't too long winded I could ask him to stop by with me in the morning, talk shop for an hour and then get out of town. It would have to be 9am or so.

That way Brian and I can get on with the day and still get a talk in.

I could make up the time on Sunday.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
05-11-2008, 03:50 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
Brian and I can both meet at 9 am on the 17th. Nate, does that work for you?

05-12-2008, 06:45 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

I'll have the coffee on. I have some good beans we smuggled in from mexico.......
05-12-2008, 08:59 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
9am it is.

Nate, PM me the shop address.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
05-12-2008, 11:46 AM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

  gps coodinates ;D (:-[ in feet not degrees  Wink)

791 s garfield st
cambridge, mn

Is anybody else even remotely curious about going on a trip like this?  This would be a good time to stop and see some video, equipment, and pictures of what to expect.  I would also like to add that I don't make anything off of these trips.  I do it solely for the love of diving and my enthusiasm for Spearfishing. Bringing back 40 pounds of fillets and six to eight lobster tails is also a motivating factor ;D

If any dive shops would like to set up a trip I'm sure my host would more than happy to accommodate you, his contact information is in this thread.
05-12-2008, 06:33 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
I know of at least one guy who might be interested...  unfortunately, the timing on this one isn't working into my schedule - but I might show up (and if I do, I'll try to remember to grab you another package of salmon!  or two...)
Some people are like Slinkeys - not much good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs!
05-13-2008, 05:11 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour

Just checked airfare, its up to $700 for a direct flight :o .  I still owe you some grouper with interest  ;D  Should be able to pay up soon.  I would like to go spearfishing in Alaska soon. Has anyone seen discovey's survive Alaska Show? I could really kick some azz on that show! One of the contestants was a real tree hugger and anti-gunner. Things really changed for her after a week of no meat ;D. you could almost see the gleam in their eyes when they were eating the rabbit that they had shot. They were making the ancient connection. The primal instinct of killing and eating was being awakened.

If you like diving, fishing, and hunting, this is the best of all three world's. John, I know once you try it you will  be back for more....
05-13-2008, 06:16 PM,
Re: Damn Yankee Spearfishing tour
I just meant I might show up at the shop for the meeting, not show up for the boat ride! Smile  (I'm still recovering from the Hawaii expenses, so this one didn't have much of a chance.)
Some people are like Slinkeys - not much good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs!

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