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Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron
07-18-2009, 06:43 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-18-2009, 06:45 PM by john j.)
Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron
I just returned from a great week of diving in the Presque Isle area of Lake Huron. The weather was not too bad, but the lake was a little on the rough side. Tolerable though, except for one day when we had up to 6 foot waves kicking our butts.

If you haven't been to Presque Isle yet, I suggest you consider it in the future. There are dozens of wrecks, most are not far from shore and there are many old schooners with masts still standing. Depths are not extreme, generally 130-200 feet and there are also some good wrecks within recreational dive depths too. Visibility is usually very good.  It's about a 10 hour drive to Presque Isle from Minneapolis.

I finally got a dive on the Kyle Spangler this year and wow, what an awesome wreck! It's a 130 foot long schooner with 2 masts standing, in about 185 feet of water.

Below is a link to some video I recorded on the Spangler. I hope you enjoy it. We saw a couple of other dive charter boats up there this year, so perhaps those folks will share some of their photos or video soon too.

__________________________________________<br />There are very few problems that cannot be solved through the generous application of high explosives.
07-19-2009, 04:44 AM,
Re: Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron
Enjoyed your video John, If things work out myself and couple of other divers might be heading over that way over the Labor Day weekend.
I'm guessing you used your own boat.
                                    Later, Al
07-19-2009, 06:14 AM,
Re: Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron

Great video, thanks.
07-19-2009, 01:25 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-19-2009, 01:29 PM by john j.)
Re: Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron

Didn't use my boat.  Used Steve Kroll's charter: 

His boat is trailerable, so he can take you all over the place quickly.  He also knows the wrecks inside and out because he's been diving there for decades.  He's a lot of fun to hang around with too-has a great sense of humor. 
__________________________________________<br />There are very few problems that cannot be solved through the generous application of high explosives.
07-19-2009, 02:18 PM,
Re: Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron
I just added a video of the Norman shipwreck from this trip. You can see it at the following link.

__________________________________________<br />There are very few problems that cannot be solved through the generous application of high explosives.
07-19-2009, 05:09 PM,
Re: Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron
very nice video. beautiful wrecks
We take these risks, not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping us
07-19-2009, 06:15 PM,
Re: Trip to Presque Isle, Lake Huron
Nice videos - Thanks for sharing!

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