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New Softwear drysuit undies
02-03-2003, 01:58 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
You can hook it up or not depending on whether you think that you will need it. The balanced version more less keeps the lake out of the tubing. If the catheter comes off a balanced setup will not leak back into the suit if the bolt is open.

The only thing on the outside of the the suit is the bolt, a nut, a plastic washer and a threaded section of the block the tubing connects to. The tubing is all inside the suit. Routing is based on preference. Some are set up with the tubing going straight down to the outlet. This needs a slit in the undies. Others run the tubing up, out the zipper of the undies and then down to the outlet. I suppose it could also be run straight down, have a loop under the outlet and then up the the outlet.

If you have it hooked up and you don't use it you are out something like $1.30 depending on where you buy the catheters. Buy them from a medical supply house.

02-03-2003, 04:59 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
What I don't understand with the balanced version is the p-through screw. They say that if the system were to fail you could turn the screw to seal off the valve. If you are diving and the valve fails how to you turn the screw if it is inside your suit?

Do most people use a balanced version?
02-03-2003, 05:25 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
On the outside of the drysuit the balanced and unbalanced P-valves are exactly the same. The only difference is that the balanced one adds a one way check valve in the tube assembly, worn on the inside. The pee-through screw sits on the outside of the suit. Since the balanced P-vlave has the one way check valve, water from the outside cannot reach your private parts. You can still close off the entire system by turning down screw, which will seal off the entire system. The screw has an O-ring on it, which will seal water from coming up the tube.
I hope this clarifies all of your questions.
02-03-2003, 06:28 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
Thanks DRE, got it. So if that catheter comes off during the dive you may experience, ahem, a memorable dive. So why wouldn't someone use a balanced valve? is the risk of a flood happening incredibly low...
02-03-2003, 08:26 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
I have the unbalanced P-valve - I like the simplicity of the design and I have never had problems with the equilization. If you lose th catheter, 99% of the time it's gonna happen while you're going, so balanced or not, you'll still be peeing yourself. I always keep the bolt closed until I have to go, so in case I loose the catheter (which has never happened) I just seal the suit from the outside and I'm fine.
One thing with the balanced valve is that the tube you use is going to be longer (to have room for the check valve), so either you have to mount the hole through the suit lower on the leg (which can make the ladies start fantasizing, but it also makes it harder to reach), or you can loop the tube up and down inside the suit. With the unbalanced one I put the hole fairly high up the leg so I don't have to bend unscrewing the bolt, and I'm still able to run the tube straight down from the crotch to the hole (I have maybe a 2" piece of tubing left). Also, when you install the P-valve, punch the hole on the inside of the leg so you can't catch it on wires or rocks, etc. but not too far on the inside so it doesn't rub against your ather leg, which would cause wear on your suit.
02-05-2003, 02:03 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
I agree with all in DRE last post. Go for the simple unbalanced, and open the screw when needed, keep closed otherwise. Foolproof.
Also, tube going straight down is a good thing. Think about what's left inside a long looping tube when you get out of the water - Kind of a mess when you "detach".
My only complaint is that an unbalanced p-valve is made up of about $5-10 worth of parts, and Halcyon gets $65 for one.
did you decide on/buy a suit yet?
Dan L
02-05-2003, 04:51 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
Thanks Dan. Maybe I could take a look at your p-valve sometime, er unattached of course...

The suit was ordered today. I'm having the sizing slightly customized because I don't want a real baggy suit. So I'm getting a size large, tall -- little extra leg and chest length. Attached boots. DC neoprene gloves ordered as well. It will take about a month because of the customizations.

I'd like to do ice dive training but not sure I can afford it now. My wallet and I aren't talking anymore... haha...
04-03-2003, 01:04 PM,
Re:New Softwear drysuit undies
I just ordered some Softwear 300G undies today. I am going with custom sizing and a p-valve slit just in case I end up getting a p-valve installed on my drysuit at some point.

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