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Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
01-08-2010, 06:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-08-2010, 06:21 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
I looked at Arcflash's coordinates he dove last time and compared it to the 3 Coords I thought would be neat to check out. here are the distances from where Arcflash dove to the three I picked: 157' to the NE is the first one. 280' North to the second one. And 262' South to the third one.

The first possible site looks like some coarse terrain centered on 20' deep sloping up towards to the SW to 15' deep, and sloping down to the NE to a depth of 27' at a 100' radius from the hole

The second possible site looks like a fairly steep slope (for Mille Lacs) centered on 20' deep staying fairly flat to the South and sloping down to the North to a depth of 25' at a 100' radius.

The third possible site is centered on a dome in 11' of water and dropping to 17' deep going NW or SE. from here if you go NE or SW it will drop only to 13' at a 100' radius. This dome is the highest point on the reef where we are going

It looks like we are going to need a trailer for all the anchors, and we should not overlap the area where Arcflash already picked it clean.
01-09-2010, 10:22 AM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
I have a portable grill so I'll hook us up some dogs and fixings. If you want something else bring it.

I have a new detail topo of the lake as well.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
01-09-2010, 12:58 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
I'll bring my "Sense of Humor".  ;D
Dave Torry
Alexandria, MN
01-09-2010, 01:14 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
HA! I love it. You guys all planning to a dive right out my front door! Smile I'll get the search and rescue team ready in case you need it Smile The weather should be great and the ice is good. Just make sure you stay on the roads!! Oh, and if you find the dummy we sank last summer, leave it there. We're going to do a training dive later on this winter.
01-09-2010, 06:17 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
Weather report for Isle tomorrow:
0 degrees at 6:00am climbing to 16 degrees at 3:00 PM. Wind at 6 MPH all day from the SW. 80% cloud cover (bring a light). Possibility of having fun = 100%
01-10-2010, 05:38 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
Ok..... :'( :'(
So hows about a report on how it went.

Those of us who could not make it are just DYING to live vicariously through your dives!!!  >Big Grin  >Big Grin

What did ya find?  :Smile
How was the viz?  :Smile
How thick was the ice?  :Smile

01-10-2010, 06:23 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10

+1  (You read my mind Art)  ;D
01-10-2010, 07:53 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
It was another good day for swimming. We all had a great time. I failed to get photos of the loot so you will have to ask some of the other divers and see if they got any pics. There were 7 divers diving out of two holes. The water temp was 34 degrees. The air temp was zero when we arrived and climbed into the teens as the day went on. The viz was approaching 30'! I could not believe how clear it was. The "B Hole" where we were had some rocks the size of 30 gallon garbage cans scattered among softball sized stones. The "A hole" (inside joke) where the other divers were was less big rocks and more sand. The ice was about 18" of clear ice. Here is a list of the loot:

5 anchors, about 7 ice dippers, an ice spud, a fishing pole, a lock blade knife in a leather sheath, a 5 mm Craftsman socket, and 2 flashlights.

Here is a link to a short video I took underwater:

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01-10-2010, 08:18 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
Thanks guys, had a great time. Maybe next time we will hit the jackpot with a more target rich environment. Good time though. Smile
Shoot to kill, thats how I roll.
01-10-2010, 08:25 PM,
Re: Ice diving on Sat 1-9-10
  Thanks to everyone.  Good dives.  She was a wee bit chilly, good thing we had shelters.  A lot of gear froze up even before we hit the water.  At least we found some goodies, it didn't look good for a while.


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