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Dry Gloves
01-23-2010, 12:18 PM,
Dry Gloves
First post after a couple years of being a guest.  My question is what do people believe is the most reliable and easiest to use dry glove system?  Thanks
01-23-2010, 01:14 PM,
Re: Dry Gloves
Check this site out, scroll down to the Viking Classic rings. Easy to use, fairly inexpensive, I've been using them for going on 20yrs without a problem.


01-24-2010, 09:17 AM,
Re: Dry Gloves
I'll second that. Very reliable.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
01-24-2010, 03:12 PM,
Re: Dry Gloves
The Viking Classic rings work great but are pretty difficult to don if your glove is a smaller size. The openings are smaller obviously and hard to stretch over the ring. I found that if I put the on earlier in the day and let the sun warm them, they would stretch easier. In cold weather they are much more prone to tearing when donning than the larger sizes.

The (Si-tech) locking ring system seals well and is easier to don in smaller sizes. The downside is that you have this large plastic ring on your wrist which makes it harder to get you gauges on over them and harder to get your hands into small openings.

I am now using the DUI Zip Gloves/Seals. Super easy to switch back and forth on the fly once you figure out the trick to it. You do have to learn to gear up with your gloves already on, so there is a bit of a learning curve. The huge downside is the price that they cost, not even considering the initial of installation to the suit. The replacements are still well over a hundred dollars, so it makes having spare gloves pretty pricey.

All dry gloves have their up sides and down sides, but it is so much better than having cold, wet hands.

In Life, You Either Do or You Don't. I Did! - (Wallace the Pit Bull 4/3/02-8/23/13)
01-25-2010, 09:27 AM,
Re: Dry Gloves
I've used the Viking system for years because it was the only ring I could get my hand through.  They worked just fine.  Now I am using the zip seal gloves and I am very happy with them.  Getting used to suiting up with the gloves on is no problem.  Both systems work great.
Captain Brian<br />
01-25-2010, 02:35 PM,
Re: Dry Gloves
I use the gloves and rings made by Diving Concepts. Super quick easy to put on but a bit on the spendy side, hope mine last a long time.
Shoot to kill, thats how I roll.
01-25-2010, 08:13 PM,
Re: Dry Gloves
Ive used the DUI zip gloves for years, but with a CCR there are too many things to do while gearing up to do it well with wearing gloves.  I just got some viking rings and put them on the zip seals, and I love the combo. I can change wrist seals in a matter of minutes on the dive boat if I need and use the viking rings and gloves, wrist seals, or zip gloves depending on my mood. 

The best part of the viking style dry gloves is that if you manage to tear a glove on a rusty piece of shipwreck or something, you still have a wrist seal that confines your drysuit flood to your hand not your whole arm.  That is awesome if you have a long deco schedule in great lakes temp water. 


ps. if you do go with zip gloves id suggest the crushed neoprene gloves, the dexterity is about the same as 7mm wet glove, and they stick to velcro a little bit, but they defiantly last longer than the rubber zip gloves, and are really easy to patch with some aquaseal
&quot;in order to have a good idea, you must first have lots of ideas&quot;&nbsp; -Linus Pauling

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