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June 14-15th
02-16-2003, 09:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-28-2003, 01:00 PM by freedivernd.)
June 14-15th
O.K. - enough thinking about it - it's time. 1 weekend, diving the Detroit Lakes Area, I'll host - I'm thinking late may early june but last year the water didn't turn until real late, so maybe into june is better. What does everyone think? Would during a week work? Start thinking thoughts of divin' some good water in the DL area. If you're checking a map, check to Perham or Dent. Right up Highway 10 and 108. I'll do a little more homework and keep postings as the diving season nears. We've got some good water up here somewhere, most of the time. Interested?

and the disclaimer:
Cold and dark down there huh?
02-17-2003, 09:51 AM,
Re:2003 spring get together
I have dove some awesome lakes up there in my time. (Lake Seven , Round Lake)
Being an old Fargo, ND resident and all. I was originally certified up in Bad Medicine.
If I am recovered from my surgery I would love to come up there.
(Heck , I will come up there anyway. I love the area and I can sit around and cook dogs or something)

I would love to dive this little lake right outside of Perham again. Clearest water I have ever seen up there!

Thanks...Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
02-17-2003, 10:26 AM,
Re:2003 spring get together
I'd be up for it but it would need to fall on a weekend to work for me though.
02-17-2003, 03:21 PM,
Re:2003 spring get together
Just back from Aruba - good diving down there, makes me anxious to get out in local water again...this May or June in DL sounds great - sign me up, my hubby can come along w/our new boat and fish in the area as well. He had the marina add a swim/dive platform off the back of the new boat - always thinking of me... Sue (stcroixangel)
02-18-2003, 04:28 PM,
Re:2003 spring get together
Count me in!
Planning well in advance would allow me to do it any time of the week. Should anyone need a ride up, my passenger seat is open.

I'm good for one cooler full of food, one Honda full of dive and camping gear, two full 72's subject to refill during the trip, as much firewood as I can cram in, one camp stove, and a lot of trash talking Smile

02-18-2003, 07:22 PM,
Re:2003 spring get together
This is planning in advance alright.. what is this, the end of feb? Tol, maybe you have a bigger vehicle by then and the back seats will be open too. We have lots of campground space at the cabin, lot's of firewood too but if it rains, maybe we need you to load up with some good dry stuff.
Depending on the weekend might have lots of indoor space too - I've let the relatives know we'll be decending upon the cabin but that doesn't always scare 'em away Smile

we got a large grill, and an indoor kitchen even, ain't that a hoot.
some water toys too.

Cold and dark down there huh?
02-21-2003, 05:18 AM,
Re:2003 spring get together
I would love to go diving with you guys if you'll allow me to. I am quite new to the sport. I went out with my step father a few times in Flordia towards the end of the season last year and loved it. I have been spending this winter getting together a set of good dive equipment and my certification. I will probably have to wait until the first weekend a local shop is offering open waters then I am ready to go. Hope I can join some of you on your dives. Remember you were a new diver too at one point.
Will Adams
02-21-2003, 07:58 AM,
Re:2003 spring get together
You bet! I was in your shoes last year at this time... It's an open group and anyone is welcome to dive. Just make sure your buddy knows you're new, it's just a good thing to know. I learned a LOT from diving with a couple of the guys here last summer and did my AOW last August (which was also beneficial).

Welcome to the site!
02-21-2003, 08:12 AM,
Re:2003 spring get together
sounds like a plan my diving got cut short last year so I need as many weekends as i can get.
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
02-21-2003, 08:17 AM,
Re:2003 spring get together
Hey Will,
Chris is right - this is an open invite. A chance to meet other divers and to put some faces to divers from the board. To have some fun and mainly to get under the water! We run the whole gammut around here from people like you and I who don't have much scuba experience to real advanced and knowledgeable divers. If the only diving you've done is florida I hope these waters up here don't dissappoint you. I said they were good - but they're not that good. Smile

Cold and dark down there huh?

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