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TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
02-13-2011, 04:03 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge

                          THANK YOU Kristie! So how is your little girl doing? If you could post some more pics that would be dandy!          Thanks!     TRINITY
Open season on the open seas,,,,We ani't stealing were just taking back,,,,call it pilage or call it plunder, were taken back from the boys down under,,,,,,,Jimmy Buffet         952-201-3029  (cell)
02-13-2011, 04:21 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Nice haul guys! Good to see you smiling again. Way to rally the troops and make it interesting again.
02-13-2011, 08:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-13-2011, 08:05 PM by arcFlash.)
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Terry got the fever when I returned with a 2-for and pulled 5 in less then 10 minutes.  T pulled me out or I would own 1st right now. But I share for my dive buddies. We now round robin ever 5 pulls per hole turn the hole to the next guy. That way everyone gets a chance. Terry socialized anchoring.  Smile
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
02-14-2011, 07:22 AM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Nice work guys! The totals just keep going up. Ya Kristie more pics of your new little one would be great. You just can't beat baby pictures Smile
I'm a Mog, Half man half dog - I'm my own best friend.<br />Alcohol doesn't make you fat... it makes you Lean... on tables, chairs &amp; random people.
02-14-2011, 09:25 AM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Nice job again team Gilligan! That is the type of motivation that we were looking for. You even have the judges cheering for you  :Smile

Dive Report

I was accompanied by that same uneasy feeling I had when I was diving in the Florida Keys just before the taxman showed up. We were already there and has been talking about diving this location for a couple of years. After we cut the hole and saw the dark water, we knew it was going to be even more challenging. I turned the HID light on and dropped in and was met with about 18 inches of visibility in front of the light, and blackness everywhere else. As I approached the bottom my light lit up what I thought was a stick. It turns out it was a jagged piece of rebar less than 1 foot away.  :o . That uneasy feeling was now a lot more pronounced. I surveyed my surroundings 360°. Two more pieces of rebar and a large concrete slab at what appeared to be a precarious angle. With a short risk versus benefit analysis,  I decided to call the dive. Had it been an actual victim recovery dive, I would've proceeded on with extreme caution. I returned to the surface after a one minute dive and told the other divers that I was going to sit this one out. John was second in rotation and I assured him that as safety diver if he had the issues that would come to his rescue. Just go slow with extreme caution. This is the second time in my diving career that I have called a dive.
I am very competitive. When I look back over my diving career, and survey the dangerous situations that I put myself in, it is usually that competitive nature that put me there. China fever, grouper fever, and yes even anchor fever. This is a great competition that I have enjoyed participating in and will continue to enjoy win or lose  8). This can be a dangerous sport. Let's remember our training and put the safety factor at the top of our list.
02-14-2011, 02:34 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge

That anchor in your pic with the rope on it, is it a double window sash  :-X weight  ???? If it is I am green with envy! I have been scouring the lake bottom, even passing up anchors at times  :Smile, just to find one of those prizes!! ;D ;D
02-14-2011, 05:48 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge

That anchor in your pic with the rope on it, is it a double window sash  :-X weight  ???? If it is I am green with envy! I have been scouring the lake bottom, even passing up anchors at times  :Smile, just to find one of those prizes!! ;D ;D

here is the large pic of that SASH TRIFECTA!
"The lake is running low on leeches. Dump a few more barrels in."
-John Calhoun
02-14-2011, 06:57 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Nate, thats 3, drilled and bolted with 1/4 inch bolts. I was crying in my mask when I was digging it out of the muck. I could barly reach it with the heavy clay like muck. I had to stand on it and hope the rope held. The whole time I was thinking this is so awsome Nates going to blow a hose!

That anchor in your pic with the rope on it, is it a double window sash  :-X weight  ???? If it is I am green with envy! I have been scouring the lake bottom, even passing up anchors at times  :Smile, just to find one of those prizes!! ;D ;D
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
02-15-2011, 07:54 AM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
Shooter, when I said, "Nice work guys", I was directing it to all of you who are competing in the anchor challenge - not one specific team or team member.

When I read your tale about your last dive I am reminded of the phrase, "discretion is the better part of valor", and I salute you on knowing when to bail out. If we were all pro divers making a living for what we did it would be different but we are not. Diving should be fun and a little challenging in a non life threatening way is ok. Knowing when to quit to dive another day should be the motto Smile
I'm a Mog, Half man half dog - I'm my own best friend.<br />Alcohol doesn't make you fat... it makes you Lean... on tables, chairs &amp; random people.
02-15-2011, 08:57 AM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
That is awesome! I had to look at it twice, and was still uncertain and timid about even mentioning it  :-X for fear of Reprisal. A triple window sash weight, that's right I said it window sash. window sash, window sash, window sash. Thanks Steve, I have been wanting to say that for a while. Of course it is not as sweet because I was not the finder of the window sash treasure. Window sash, window sash, window sash, how I long to find a window sash.  8)

That anchor in your pic with the rope on it, is it a double window sash  :-X weight  ???? If it is I am green with envy! I have been scouring the lake bottom, even passing up anchors at times  :Smile, just to find one of those prizes!! ;D ;D

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