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Octo Hunters in Cove 2
11-01-2012, 07:40 PM,
Octo Hunters in Cove 2
Sad news from my old diving grounds in Seattle. Apparently some young punk divers that cared more about harming aquatic animals and their own fragile male egos than what the opportunity of being a certified diver opens up in the world too them, took for sport a large GPO( possibly on eggs) from a largely popular community dive spot.

Very sad. While i hunt dungeness crabs and spot shrimp during the open seasons on my trips back, and have nothing against the havesting of sea creatures and animals for food or conservation, the taking of these creatures for sport or malice is inexcusable. [/url]
11-02-2012, 06:46 PM,
Re: Octo Hunters in Cove 2
Sad story and it presents an interesting moral dilemma. It also shows the power of social media today.
11-04-2012, 08:45 PM,
Re: Octo Hunters in Cove 2

Yes it does. While I think it could of been handled better on both sides, (and the young diver could defused this situation very early) there is no place for threats of any type toward an individual or family. I was crazy how social media exploded on this. I was happy to see the dive community bond together on this issue. And hopefully the one bright spot that will come from this will be a 'no-scuba take' zone at the place, so perhaps a few MNSCUBA divers will have the opportunity to enjoy a GPO up close and personal.
I have dove this place many, many times and i can tell you this certainly is an aquatic petting zoo of sort. It should be there for all divers, new and vetern to continue to enjoy and inspire.
11-04-2012, 09:07 PM,
Re: Octo Hunters in Cove 2
OH, and if there are any supportive MN Divers that would like to support the cause to get Cove 2 established as a 'GPO harvest exclusion zone.' here is the link to the petition.

If anyone wants a tour, i have a mini-dive trip planned for Seattle Dec 7-12 if anyone is interested. I will get somewhere between 6-10 dives in. Water temps will be 42-46 and Viz in the south Sound in the Winter will very from 20' and up.
11-07-2012, 07:03 PM,
Re: Octo Hunters in Cove 2
yes, sad. im up for eating just about anything from the ocean.(except reptiles and octopus) octopi are smart animals that shouldn't be eaten for food.
&quot;Dont make me wont win..&quot; wise words to the wife.<br />&quot;is it more important to protect the innocent, or Punish the guilty,That is, after all, why we punish the guilty&quot;
11-08-2012, 10:19 AM,
Re: Octo Hunters in Cove 2
:Smile  :Smile
Smart? Thats your qualification?  ??? Hunger is my qualification. ;D Have you ever tried bamboo chicken?

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