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Need A Watch
03-12-2003, 05:24 PM,
Need A Watch
I search the Equipment and was supprised not to find a topic on watches.

I am in the market for a new watch and thought why not get a dive watch. I have been looking at the Citizens watches. Anybody have a prefrence of one watch over the another?
03-12-2003, 06:06 PM,
Re:Need A Watch

When I was first certified I bought myself a watch as a present. It was a Casio DEP watch that was designed for diving. It tracks depth, temp, bottom time, surface interval, etc. Great watch. Unfortunately they don't make them anymore. Now I just use it as a backup depth/bottom timer with my computer.

Now I would get an inexpensive g-shock type watch, remove the standard wrist band, attach bungies and be done with it. The money I saved would be spent on a nice bottom timer.

Of course this solution isn't as cool as one of the nice Citizen dive watches. Wink
03-12-2003, 08:14 PM,
Re:Need A Watch
I know where there is a Suunto Spyder with download kit looking for a good home for a reasonable price. Hint, hint.

03-12-2003, 10:53 PM,
Re:Need A Watch
I'd buy a Rolex - totally impresses the ladies when you buy 'em a drink (just kidding) - buy a bottom timer: much more accurate, you can actually read the display and you won't have to be afraid of flooding the damn thing...
I've had some pretty cool dive watches and I usually carries themn inside my light canister so they wouldn't get scratched or flood.
03-12-2003, 11:09 PM,
Re:Need A Watch
I like my citizen duplex alot. I know that my step dad is a more experianced diver and he also likes his. Auto start bottom time, temp, 4 dive log, depth. A nice watch.
03-12-2003, 11:47 PM,
Re:Need A Watch
My "cool dive watch" is an $18 Timex from Walmart (they may be up to $20 now). It's over 3 years old and still ticking. Granted I've never taken it below 100', but it's got over 100 dives in fresh and salt water. Everytime I get ready to get a better watch, something else comes in. I figure I'll replace it when I have to, or when I have every single piece of equipment I've ever wanted/needed.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

03-13-2003, 06:09 AM,
Re:Need A Watch
I have had a few timex watches that I have worn for everyday watches. I took one on a pool dive during OW a couple years ago and it flooded. The one I currently have craps out and resets itself to 12:00 and the date to Mon 1-1 every now and again without warning. After seeing that I'd never trust a timex to be my underwater timer. On another note, I'd also opt for either another Vyper computer, or better yet a simple bottom timer rather than a fancy watch. Some of dive watches cost as much as a dive computer anyway and with something like a Vyper you can put it into gauge mode if you want as well.
03-13-2003, 08:03 AM,
Re:Need A Watch
The Suunto Mosquito is a good watch also. It functions just like the viper and cobra, uses RGBM and defaults to a bottom timer if you bend it. Its also nitrox programable. I use it on all my recreational dives and carry it as a backup depth/bottom timer on technical dives. Very light weight and it has a depth compensating band.
03-13-2003, 08:49 AM,
Re:Need A Watch
I currently have a timex watch that works well. I know that it's waterproof because I found it on the bottom of a lake. It looked like it had been there for a bit.

03-13-2003, 09:56 AM,
Re:Need A Watch
I agree with Instpiration diver.

I have a suntto Stinger that I use for recreational dives. It does air/nitrox and can be set into freedivng/gauge mode for deco diving. The Misquito is actually a nicer watch because it does everything the Stinger can do,you can change the batteries yourself and its CHEAPER!

My mian watch that I now use is a D-3 from Sunnto. It is a freediving watch that also acts as an awesome timer for deco dives. It tracts my total bottom time plus has a great stopwatch mode for timing my stops.

I have an old G-shock that I have used for a back-up timer in the past. Now its just sitting there gathering dust.

"Ignorance begets confidence more often than does knowledge." -Charles Darwin

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