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VR3 dive computer
04-09-2003, 02:56 PM,
VR3 dive computer
Can anyone fill me in on the VR3 dive computer. What have you heard, experienced and know about it. I'm looking at buying one for tech diving. I've read alot about them but want some info from users.

thanks Jason. Smile
04-10-2003, 08:08 AM,
Re:VR3 dive computer
I bought one last month, but I have not yet got it wet. On the land it seems that it will allow for easy use underwater. You only have two buttons with 6 choices of how too use them:

Short push Left button
Long push Left button
Short push Right button
Long push Right button
Short push both buttons
Long push both buttons

I like the fact that it is easy to change the mix you are breathing, and yet it would be extremely unlikely that the VR3 could be inadvertently changed to a different mix without intentionally depressing the button.
04-10-2003, 11:32 AM,
Re:VR3 dive computer
I purchased mine at GUDC last fall, and have about 30 dives on it. Overall my only complaints are the the manual could be a little more descriptive, I don't like the strap it came with, and without downloading you can't access much of the dive data in the log (e.g. average depth, temp). These are minor concerns.

I have received replies from their tech support in a reasonable amount of time when I have had qeustions not answered in the manual.

I agree an inadvertant gas switch would be unlikely.

The computer has incredible flexibility, I use mine for SCR, OC, and shortly, CCR diving.

The display is easy to read, and personally I find the controls fairly intuitive (though I know some don't like the menus and symbols).

Overall I am happy with the purchase, and it s/b the last computer I buy for some time.
04-29-2003, 05:12 PM,
Re:VR3 dive computer
I'm a bit late in responding but here's my opinion. This is only my opinion and other people my feel differently.

I have a VR3, have about 100 dives on it. I don't have the PC interface. I use it in CCR trimix mode mostly and have done short dives and lsome very long deep deco dives on it.

CONS: I found it very difficult to learn (maybe I'm just stupid) and the user manual is practically useless. Programming it is tedious (at least without the PC interface it is). Screen has small font and can be hard to read. Battery box cover is hard to remove, tends to cut o-rings when you re-install it and if you don't change the battery quickly, you lose all your programming and have to do it all over again. That is really annoying because it might take you 20 minutes or more to enter all that stuff again. I had problems with the deco agorithm in the software and had to return it to England to have it fixed. Have you ever had to wait for something to return from overseas? The PC interface kit is an option and thus costs extra which is annoying becasue it isn't a cheap computer to begin with. The video game is nothing to brag about, and if you play it for about 60 seconds you will be bored with it.

PROS: Once you have it set up and finally understand how to use it it works well and easily, as long as your set-ups don't get erased during a battery change. It has CCR trimix mode which I need to have. It seems to be very rugged. Allows lots of gas switching options. The manufacturer treated me well when I had the problem and paid for all shipping to and from England. Though this tells me that there was probably a bug that they knew about otherwise they wouldn't have done that. Deco algorithm gets you out of the water faster than any other I have used to date. Is this at the expense of safety? I don't know.

Several of my friends are getting rid of their VR3's in favor of the HS Exploer. That computer is about the same price as the VR3 but the PC interface kit and software is included. It seems to have some nice software from the little that I have seen. The display has larger font size than the VR3. It's also a US company that makes it so service will probably be easier. I met the guy who designed it the other day and he really seemed to understand what customer service was all about and explained to me at length how he will stand behind his product. The Explorer does everything the VR3 does and seems to be easier to learn and comes with a more complete package for the same price. The user manual is thick and very detailed. The deco algorithm is user selectable too, meaning you have the choice of two different algorithms, not just variable conservatism factors. Check out the Explorer at
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