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Crosby April 26,27
04-21-2003, 02:53 PM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
It sounds like a quite a few people have gone to dry suits since the summer. Congratulations to everybody who has moved up a notch. I thought I was doing well going from a wetsuit to a semi-dry. It looks like I have some catching up to do Smile

I have not been diving since December, so I 'm anxious to join you guys Saturday morning at McDonalds. I will most likely camp out Saturday night as well. I need to find all my camping equipment first, which maybe a task, because I just moved.

Anybody doing a night dive Saturday night?
04-21-2003, 03:05 PM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
The best place to camp at Louise is in the 2-3 open areas just adjacent to the entry ramp. The access at the stairs is not good and there is room for only a tent or two if I remember right. Maybe room for about 8+ tents and vehicles right near the main entry.
Late last fall, a lot of trees just to the right of the entry were cut down by beavers. There should be a pretty nice new dam to explore by now. The dam structure can go 30ft or so under water.
Linda - you know Louise - there's a wall off to the left - just off the snowmobile at 50ft. Been down to 100ft there and no bottom. Don't know how far it goes. At about 95ft there is a mine tunnel into the wall with a skeleton and bear skull in it.
Dan L
04-21-2003, 03:28 PM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
Dan, looks like Louise bottoms out at 136ft. Here is a link to a DNR map.
04-21-2003, 03:34 PM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
Larry, sounds like you are doing the same dance I did (wetsuit -> semidry -> dry). The semidry is still a great "wetsuit" though. I'll use it this summer on the shallow, warmer dives.

GP and I are going up Sat morning. Feel free to drive up with us or meet us at the McD. If the weather cooperates we will absolutely do a night dive. Bring up the torches.
04-21-2003, 03:34 PM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
Say Larry , I think I know at least one person that will night dive with you!!! Probably the whole mob of us will go..Looks like 8 of us now...Thats probaby counts as a small mob. Are you bringing your little green spotlight again too??? Hopefully all three of my lights still function.

Question: If this was taken care of earlier , I apologize...
Is anyone bringing any cooking equipment??? Just thought I would ask.

Jean ;D
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
04-21-2003, 07:52 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-22-2003, 07:21 AM by lrmoll.)
Re:Crosby April 26,27
It will bring all my camping Supplies. Chuck wagon in the back of the Van. But I will not bring the screen tent. Pretty much a full load of camping stuff. Last time I went I volunteered to cook for the group no one took me up on it except for a couple people who had a few pancakes Sunday morning.
See archived Crosby trip.

My plans have changed a bit I will be leaving with my camping stuff Saturday night. Sad

04-22-2003, 07:36 AM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
Last year Missy and I tried several times to find that stupid snowmobile! We found weights, dog bones,pop cans, and a HUGE snapping turtle but no snowmobile. I've got a portable compact depth sounder thats the size of a flashlight, in low vis or if your on a wall and wondering where the bottom is, just point it down and push a button. Works good. We used it several times and were quite surprised at where the bottom was.Also helps pass the time at safety stops. I think I'll bring sandwiches and snacks to share. Or maybe hotdogs for the fire but thats about it. I don't like to eat heavy when I dive. Oh, Dan the beaver dam sounds cool, but do the beavers get angry? I can see the dive log entry, " scoped out new dam, chased by mob of angry beavers!" Linda
If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they are--Will Rogers
04-22-2003, 08:04 AM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
It occurs to me that a similar device could be useful for finding other divers just out of view. Like Fishing depth gages that show blips where fish are detected you could point it to the side and have an indication of objects and their distance. Might be fun. Has anyone seen such a thing for divers?
04-22-2003, 08:32 AM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
We ran into the snowmobile on both dives last year. I know there was a sunken electrical pole with some old wiring right near it.
I think the skeleton is right over the ledge and DOWN from the snowmobile (the guys know for sure!). I can just image getting chased down by an outraged beaver!
And two of my old dive buddies might pop up for Saturday. I am not sure yet , but I will keep you posted.

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
04-22-2003, 08:38 AM,
Re:Crosby April 26,27
The HUGE beaver dam that DanL, Nomads, and I found last fall was over in the Joan pit. That thing was massive. It went down probably close to 30 feet and and it was really wide. There were lots of fish around it and a couple nice size northerns as well. Might be worth running over to Joan for a dive too. Smile

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