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Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
09-09-2003, 07:56 PM,
Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
A couple of us who were in the one here last year have been talking about arranging for another one here next year, say June-ish. Is there anyone else who would be interested in taking the class if it gets set up?

We would probably look at doing it the same way we did last time, which was do the dives at Square. Annoying as it can be on a weekend, Square is close and allowed for lots of face time with the instructors.

This would not be a store sponsored event. It would be open to whomever wanted to do it and we would all take part in setting things up and getting it to run smoothly.

I don't know if we would try to get Andrew G. and Mike Kane back as the instructors. It would be interesting to meet other instructors. There are two over in Michigan now.

So, the question is out there, is anyone interested?


p.s. I don't have an idea of total cost per person. It has definitely gone up since last year.
09-09-2003, 09:50 PM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
Yes, I'm definitely interested.
09-10-2003, 09:06 AM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
depending on the cost, I'm interested
09-10-2003, 10:40 AM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
Have you thought about east coast vs. west coast?
Safety first, ego last, actions speak louder than words or c-cards.
09-10-2003, 11:39 AM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
I am hoping that internally GUE has taken care of the East/West issues. Last time the instructors came here from the course out in Virginia where the East/West differences really popped up. And everything that the VBTech guys were saying that they were told we were told as well. Maybe the guys in Michigan are somewhere in the middle of the two groups, more than just geographically anyway. That was one of the reasons that I was thinking that maybe there should be different instructors this time. It might broaden the overall view. If anyone has a particular instructor they would like to have toss it out.

09-10-2003, 11:40 AM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
Sorry I have to ask, but what is a DIR-F class? ???
09-10-2003, 11:42 AM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
Doing It Right (DIR) Fundamentals.
09-10-2003, 12:25 PM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?

Why not go for the best, how about JJ?

09-10-2003, 01:03 PM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
I guess it never hurts to ask.
09-10-2003, 01:14 PM,
Re:Anyone interested in a DIR-F class?
I've read that you shoulod already be proficient in many areas before entering a DIR-F class Is this true? I still occassionally blow it on bouyancy (usually when focusing on something in particular) adn I've heard they're not very tolerant of such situations.

Regardless, I guess I'm interested, depending on the cost of course. ;D
PADI - AOW, DPV, Dry Suit, Wreck, TDI Nitrox
65 Dives and growing.
Deepest Dive - 132' Lighthouse, Bonaire
Deepest Wreck - 130' Hilma Hooker, Bonaire

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