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In need of legal help!
04-26-2004, 03:19 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
Update: I called this morning...several times. Finally got a real person. They said, "you need a permit". I said "when did they re-instate that ordinance, you didn't need a permit last year". He said, "uuummmmm, I'm gonna have to look into it and call you back". I called him 1 time since then and he still didn't have an answer.(7 hours since the first call) Some dive shops have called him too. (by the way, big thanks to Lee at Smith for some direction and huge thanks to Liz at Smith who was searching the net for ordinances while the cop was writing out the tickets). Long story short, (too late) those in charge are riding the tide, THEY DON'T KNOW! I will keep everybody posted and thanks for the support!!! JEFF.
&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson
04-27-2004, 02:24 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
Well ScubaDog just called, I guess the Brass down at the P&R Board are helping us out in a good way. Not only are they trying to have our tickets wiped clean, they are drafting a letter to the City of Minneapolis to try and get the Ordinance removed.

We were right in that the P&R Board lifted the Ordinance a while back, but they never notified the City, so technically the Ordinance is still enforceable.

As for the removal of trash, they are also working on that. I guess anything found on park property belongs to the park, but where do they draw the line?

04-27-2004, 02:35 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
I am fantastically impressed at how quickly you seem to be not only clarifying this situation, but also rectifying it. Keep up the good work!!!

If all of this fails, maybe we could organize a 300 diver in full gear march to get permits to dive on a given day...That might help get the ordinace changed
Oops Did I really say that?????
04-27-2004, 03:56 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
I went down to the Minneapolis courthouse today and did some research. The ordinances you referred to actually applied to skinny dipping offences. Were you wearing a wetsuit Scubadog76? Wink
04-29-2004, 01:56 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
No wet suit Carver D., just my speedo. :o I called the dnr today and pollution control and both of them said that there are no laws at the state level about trash cleanup. (they eventually told me this after their laughter subsided) They also said it falls into the park boards area if they manage the lakes. The city attorney is looking into it as well. I'll keep you posted!
&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson
04-29-2004, 11:06 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
This is a great story to follow. Unfortunately we all have to be entertained at your expense. I love the fact that you are standing up for your (and our) rights. Thank you!!
05-01-2004, 04:12 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
It's NOT safe to go back in the water!!! The park board had been dodging my calls Thurs and Fri. Sure, why would it be urgent to them, they have 22 days before a warrent would be issued for me. I called the park police and they said the park board had called them to tell them that they no longer issue permits for diving. The park police response was "that indicates to us that you are not allowed to dive minneapolis at all".(by the way this guy told me he helped research the law for the cop that wrote the ticket, thanks buddy!) They then told me as long as it's an ordinance in the books, it will be enforced. No wonder St. Paul gets all the good teams and new buildings! I'll keep you posted.

P.S. The park police said they, along with the park board have been flooded with calls about this issue. AWESOME!!! ;D Thanks everybody, S.DOG76.
&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson
05-02-2004, 04:32 AM,
Re:In need of legal help!
Keep it up. As long as people keep calling and pestering them they will get the message. It sounds anyway like it has more to do with the attitudes of a couple of so called officers then actual legality anyway. Let me know if you need any assistance. I would be more than happy to help in this matter.

If nothing else, a lot of pissed off divers who are also potential voters will get this resolved.
[move] Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad[/move]

&quot;Nothing can resist the human will, that will stake even it's existence on it's stated purpose.&quot;-Benjamin Disraeli
05-02-2004, 06:58 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!

here's what you do: call the park police and ask when it's his day off. Then schedule a court hearing on his day off, but cancel it a few times and keep rescheduling it for his day off. If he doesn't show up for court (which he probably won't on his off day), you'll win by default.

I got this from a guy who wrote a book on how to dodge traffic tickets - I can't remember the title but it should be pretty easy to find.
05-04-2004, 05:08 PM,
Re:In need of legal help!
It hasn't got into the realm of the courts yet. Those jokers are just a bunch of yes men! "Oh yes we're working on it", " Yes we're having a meeting on it". I found out today that the ticket is $110.00 bones. :o I'm giving them a couple of days to straighten it out, then I'm posting all the city numbers involved in this case so they can deal with all the mnscubadogs! >Sad The money is not the big deal, It's being pestered for using a lake and Park system that I helped pay for, In a positive/non Impact manner that differs from the norm. Like I said, a couple more days, then it's feeding time! ;D We'll call so many times, they may have to work after 4:00. Thanks, Jeff.
&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson

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