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goinjg to california
05-23-2004, 12:37 AM,
goinjg to california
with an aching in my heart (led zeppelin reference in case you're wondering). I'm moving there this coming tuesday (I think it's the 25 of may). if anyone need a dive buddy or hints on where to dive, give me a couple weeks to find the good spots first, then let me know. e-mail me or post a reply here.

05-23-2004, 03:48 PM,
Re:goinjg to california
Iwill be there next summer for a weding (my son is in it so I will have to speend a week by there with nothing to do Wink ). where abouts will you be
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !
05-23-2004, 08:19 PM,
Re:goinjg to california
i'll be in huntington beach, about half an hour south of LA
05-24-2004, 10:53 AM,
Re:goinjg to california
I'll be in LA ;D
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !

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