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Reverse order?
07-26-2002, 09:38 AM,
Reverse order?
Chris, Jason,<br>This site is the best - it really is. And the new speed is great - thanks Jason!<br><br>A thought - could the order of the topic posts be reversed, ie the most recent post under a topic posted first? Wouldn't have to page down/go to second page, etc to read the latest post. Would follow the pattern in forums - the most recent move to the top of the list.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Dan Lewandowski
Dan L
07-26-2002, 10:03 AM,
Re:Reverse order?
Thanks Dan, glad you are enjoying the site... makes it all worth while. I'll check into the list order and see what I can come up with, there's all kinds of mods out there we just need to find the right ones.<br><br>Happy Diving!<br>Chris

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