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2006 goals
04-25-2006, 11:22 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-25-2006, 11:24 AM by freedivernd.)
Re: 2006 goals
Goals seem to be the same as last year.. still haven't hit -120' holding my breath and that's at the top of the list.. other things on the list maybe:

2. a nice new wetsuit from eliossub in 3mm
3. I'm know I'm not going to try but it would be nice to break the 4min breath hold mark.  I still hate holding my breath.
4. definetly would like to go back to Bonaire or somewhere similar, if there is a place similar.
5. spear a HUGE carp
6. and win the photo of the month contest here at mnscuba Wink
Cold and dark down there huh?

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