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GLSPS Preservation project
04-17-2006, 11:26 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-18-2006, 05:03 AM by LKunze.)
GLSPS Preservation project
How would you like to join the GLSPS (Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society) and WUAA (Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Accociation)  in a Preservation project?  On April 29 and 30 we are going to help preserve the S.S. Meteor in Superior Wisconsin.  We will be scraping a little old paint and adding a little new paint.  The engine room floor and other rooms such as the crews quarters need paint badly.  We will also be painting some of the stair ways and air intakes which are on the upper deck of the ship. 

We will also have an evening program with a surprise speaker arranged by Elmer Engman of Interspace Scuba.  Elmer was gracious enough to reserve a room and food for the event.

For more information on the Project please log onto our website at or contact me at

Please come join us for this very worthy cause!

Be Safe!
Safe Diving<br />PJK

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