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10,000 year old underwater pyramids found
09-17-2008, 08:43 AM,
Re: 10,000 year old underwater pyramids found
Just caught part of a related show last night on the History Channel. It was called "Ancient Discoveries: Mega-Structures of the Deep". They were discussing ancient civilizations that now are under the sea. Marine archaeologists were studying these sites and recovering artifacts.They were discussing several sites including Alexandria, Egypt, a site at Okinawa, Japan and another was the structure at Yonaguni. There were some experts that are thinking this Yonaguni site was possibly where an ancient civilization quarried stone to build monuments. They believed that because of the lack of artifacts (pottery, etc.) at the site. Others are saying the see the remanants of a large archway and "road" that led through the ancient city. I am not sure when it will air again, but interesting and worth seeing.

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Re: 10,000 year old underwater pyramids found - by SCUBA Dog - 09-17-2008, 08:43 AM

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