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All-Terrain Vehicle VS. Anti-Terrain Vehicle.
10-04-2008, 08:22 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-05-2008, 07:44 AM by DetectorGuy.)
All-Terrain Vehicle VS. Anti-Terrain Vehicle.
I just finished My trailer and I had to post some pictures of it. The buggy in front of it is not actually pulling it but it does give it that "go anywhere look". Jeff and I am going to try out the motor tomorrow at Spectacle Lake near Princeton tomorrow. Jeff is going to dive with my dry suit and we are going to look for lost loot at "Buckhorns Resort. I hear it is a gravel bottom there until you get to 20' and then there is a clay ledge. I will let you know what we find. Oh by the way I dove in East Moore Lake today after the Smith Diving Garage sale and I would discourage anyone from diving there. It was 1' visibility. I found a cell phone, a few lures, and 27 cents. Here are the pics of the trailer. Sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination...

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10-05-2008, 08:36 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-06-2008, 04:59 AM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: All-Terrain Vehicle VS. Anti-Terrain Vehicle.
Todays dive was a good dive even though we didn't find anything cool... Two lures, two shoes (different sizes), quite a few bottles, more cans, a yellow modern plastic flashlight, a great big carp (looked like it was in the 30 pound range) and no anchors. The water temp was about 59 degrees and the visibility was excellent at between 15' and 20'. We used the inflatable boat to motor across the lake from the access to Buckhorns Resort. Jeff used my DUI suit. I told him to use my regulator too as I have an inflater hose on it. I would have used his regulator but he realized that he forgot it at home when we suited up. I used my Aqualung Conshelf SE2 reg that I normally use on my pony bottle. With the pony reg I had to orally inflate the BC to control buoyancy and it did not have an octo. It was a little spooky not knowing how much air I had left. I do have a mini gauge on the first stage and I had Jeff check that for me two times during the dive. I know from past dives with Jeff that I am more of an air hog than he is and that at the end of most of the dives we have done together I use approximately 200 PSI more than him an a 80 CF tank. We started to ascend when Jeff got down to 700 PSI. Jeff used My BC as I have the ability to have 35 pounds of weight on it easily and I wore his BC and weight belt as I was diving wet today. Normally he would use my Tusa IQ 700 Hunter wrist computer and I would use the Suunto Vyper computer in my console. Today with him using my Reg the Vyper was attached to that so I used the Tusa. It was a good day for a shallow dive with Air temps in the upper forty's and a driving rain, A motor on the boat that I had never had running while attached to the boat...

The day was supposed to be just a "kick-back" dive day and it turned out to be a lesson in task loading. Where possible, I would strongly recommend using your own gear so that you have the confidence of the past experience you have had with that gear, but on the other hand... To wear someone Else's gear once in a while does a couple things... First, it lets you know exactly what your buddy's gear does and doesn't do. Second, it gives you a strong appreciation for spending all that money to get gear and set it up exactly the way you want to.

In hind sight I should have aborted the dive and I know that I will get severely reprimanded in this site for not doing just that. Jeff was severely impressed with the dry suit and He is planning a budget to get one by springtime. I think it will really help him to extend the diving season (possible all year long)
10-06-2008, 07:15 AM,
Re: All-Terrain Vehicle VS. Anti-Terrain Vehicle.
so tell me more about the carp... 'course spearguns might be a liittle tough on that inflatable.  Good lures?

Cold and dark down there huh?
10-06-2008, 08:00 AM,
Re: All-Terrain Vehicle VS. Anti-Terrain Vehicle.
The carp looked like it was 24"-30"long and about 10"-12" high. The first thing I thought was grouper then reality set in and I remembered that I wasnt in Mexico. Two years ago Jeff and I were in Puerto Morelos MX and there was this hole in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico there called "Eye of the water". it was a freshwater spring about 10' long and 4' wide. There was an extremely large grouper that would hangout in the bottom of this hole. Scared the tar out of me the first time I saw it. The carp startled me too but not nearly as much.

The lures werent much... one was a white bass buster rubber fringy thing and the other was kinda cool, it looked like a mister twister but it had recessed painted eyes and the head and hook were gold colored. The Pepsi bottle we found was kinda old, it had a painted lable.

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