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TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
02-28-2011, 02:04 PM, (This post was last modified: 02-28-2011, 02:08 PM by arcFlash.)
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
We use a single tug to stop an inadvertent 'return'. We've modified the signals down to just 2.

4 pulls is get me out but with a variable strength. A nibble is pull me out easy, the harder and/or the more you signal the more we pull to a full on emergency exit. 1 is OK, stop, I'm fine, stop what your doing, leave me along or I'm happy were I am stop tugging on me. Tenders don't initiate signals in most cases. Sometime if they don't feel the diver for some time they may get a easy ok just to make sure your still happy were you are. So if you tug 4 and I start hauling and you tug once (means stop) I return to just tending, if you tug more then one I pull faster. If your going too fast, you tug one for stop and 4 easy for slow exit.

With something like 60 ice dives on these 2 signals we've not run into any confusion and if the tender doesn't understand why they got anything but a 1 or a 4, your coming out under executive order of the tender. Smile You can ask Robert about that.  >Big Grin I was messing with the FNG.

Nice job, feelin the pressure. the big one that got away,  It's good to have karma on your side.  8) It's funny you should mention that because we have a little story behind the 100th anchor. I won the coin toss so I was up first in rotation. The expectations were high. Approximately 10 minutes into my first dive, I was still relatively dry at this time, I spotted off at the edges of visibility what appeared to be a huge mushroom anchor. In my excitement and glee, I gave the wrong signals to my tender, and found myself being pulled back to the hole! I was spun around and heading in the wrong direction so I dropped to the bottom and dug in, causing a mushroom cloud of silt and temporarily disorienting me. I went back somewhat frustrated to the hole, wondering if John had been planted a camera in my mask.  ??? when I realized it was I who gave the wrong signal.  :-[ I went back and had to search at least 5 to 10 minutes before I could find it.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.

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Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - by arcFlash - 02-28-2011, 02:04 PM

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