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TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
11-22-2010, 11:32 AM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge

                                Ok, it does appear there is an official judge question that needs to be addressed.
                         All rise, Goodmorning to the Honarable Kristi,
                    I'm sure that's a typo (damn those court reports, probably Christine Spangler, an ex of mine, she never could spell) but do you not mean "wait just a min,,," and "Is there even ice in???" "Ice out" typically refers to ice leaving the lake in the early spring.
                    OK onto specific business, the 3 anchors that Steve and I pulled yesterday, pulled under exceeding difficult conditions, of drizzle and freezing rain, and my own potential problems of incorrectly reading my compass during the freeze up, after having crossed state lines, with the added concern of potentially having crossed county lines with our "test anchors" while still submerged, were only pulled for "testing" purposes, to test the quality of Steve's new quick connect cabling system, and the even more staunch lift bag, so as to be able to quickly add anchors and quickly remove them on the surface, even in a blinding blizzard, that are not, nor will they be counted in the future towards our winning count of total number of anchors.
                   Obviously, Steves comment of the others being "4 holes" behind is in reference to the pre-season only, as there is not any ice on lakes of sufficient strength to support a fully suited diver, as the rules REQUIRE. That brings forward John (Detectoguys) attempt to "push the envelope" on the early season by using an airboat to transport him across a thin veil of ice to retrieve anchors. John I must remind you, that any anchors that you intend to count towards you and Nates, second place finish must have pics of you STANDING on the ice next to them, in no way supported by your airboat or any boat for that matter.
                   Matt, if you get up here this winter you are always welcome to join us, you know that, just let us know, perhaps with your wife as a judge it is best your not here though, as the obvious conflict of interest it creates, with you retrieving anchors and your wife a judge, clearly we wouldn't want to create any issues, say, in the bedroom, much rather have them hashed out in the courtroom. But rest assured, we did throw back a few cold ones for you, after the dives yesterday (in the cold) some "Isolation Ale" I believe, highly recommended ale out of Colorado. I hope that clears up any questions, we are probably only a couple weeks from the official start, as the small ponds are starting to freeze.       TRINITY
Open season on the open seas,,,,We ani't stealing were just taking back,,,,call it pilage or call it plunder, were taken back from the boys down under,,,,,,,Jimmy Buffet         952-201-3029  (cell)

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Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - by Terry - 11-22-2010, 11:32 AM

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