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TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge
03-20-2011, 07:31 PM,
Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge

sorry charlie.

Wow was that good! ;D Sure is nice to relax and enjoy a day with the family before going back to the daily grind! Hope you guys are enjoying misery. Does misery really love company?  ;D

                          Molly says, she does, Nate. Hey, and if a 110# female (like team mascot Molly) can hang out on the ice all weekend without a shack, she wants to know if (team mascot Neo can) ?  even if,  you guys cant. Glad you enjoyed a little r and r today, after the tough day you had yesterday.  We went out today again in the rain and wet slop on the ice because,,,,we can :-*,,,not  because I'm a "sink" and not a "dink", like Steve is, or eave Molly as a  "siwk". Heres a few pics all shot by Molly with a cold wet foot (is was pretty sloppy on the ice in the rain with, no shelter), but my huge saw still managed to cut 4 holes. First is towing the gear across, second is my huge score of two, and huge saw, and a piece of farm equipment,maybe,, on my first dive. Third pic. is Steves score of one, while practicing to be a circus elephant??? in his next life. The last pic is Steves score of another and mine score of one more from our last dive, again with my huge saw. So, judges if you can tally up a final score, this challenge is done, Molly if you can turn up Queen on the CD player, I think, "we are the champions" is the next song.
                         IT HAS BEEN A DANDY GOOD RUN!              THANK YOU ALL, MY FRIENDS!      TRINITY

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Open season on the open seas,,,,We ani't stealing were just taking back,,,,call it pilage or call it plunder, were taken back from the boys down under,,,,,,,Jimmy Buffet         952-201-3029  (cell)

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Re: TRINITY'S 1st Annual 2010/2011 Icing/ Anchoring Challenge - by Terry - 03-20-2011, 07:31 PM

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