Full Version: dressing for tech diving? (was in What the Heck is DIR?)
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Am I pleased with this topic.. I really thought i was inviting an ass kicking. I have to say gang..this is one time where constructive conversation has happened on both sides of a DIR debate. Lets keep it like this...

Jon. I will accept the clarification on " Stroke" If people will assure me that when using that word that they are not basing it on lack of eduction or experience. Hell, I may even use it myself in certain circumstances ;D.

I have many questions...and am confident that they will get answered......they will have to wait...I have to go work on the boat tonight.

But I must say again how pleased i am with the way this strand is going.......Keep it up gang.....If we all continue these discussions in this constructive manner, this will prove to be very educational. Even if I dont chose to dive DIR, I will give it my best to understand your theories and beliefs. It can never hurt to learn from other people.

Jon.....My three child toting ,and pregnant again, unemployed, drug using, free loading, wellfare collecting, highschool dropout, GED holding cousin is looking for a free ride to Harvard. Can she count on your support??? :Smile :Smile

OK, OK I had laid the ground work.. ;D ;D

Jon.....My three child toting ,and pregnant again, unemployed, drug using, free loading, wellfare collecting, highschool dropout, GED holding cousin is looking for a free ride to Harvard. Can she count on your support???

Sure, but she should go to Yale because that's where underachieving, former coke addicts, who thrive off of corporate welfare get in through affirmative action- because their daddy's get them in. All of which gives them a base to give tax breaks to their billionaire buddies while slashing education funds leaving a wake of unemployed teachers, and way over crowded classrooms, in their wake. Wink

Ok, time to switch this over to the politics’ thread and get back to the non-controversial stuff- like DIR! ;D

Dean, you should stop in and talk to Gert some night- you two have more in common than you think. I just don't want to see the two of you gang up on me together. Wink


Jon, I like your version of a kinder and gentler DIR. You're right. We should leave no diver behind. If I'm reading your lips right you are saying we need to build a safer, stronger, and better dive community.

You are a funny man.....

I will have to say hi to him some time...

Anyone heading down to chicago this weekend???

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