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What printer does everyone use to print their digital pics off, and what should I avoid. My old cannon is dead, and never did so well anyway, so I need to upgrade. Hopefully something that is not going to break the bank.
I have a Canon 785EPX that does a good job and will take a smart card directly. HP makes some nice photoprinters as well. One thing about printing digital pics is that I don't think that it is cost effective for the most part unless you are modifying the image. A 20 pack of 4x6 good paper runs 10 buck a pack. Taking the files to Proex and having them printed costs about $5 for 24 and includes doubles. Printing 8x10s is more cost effective.

Joel's right, it's not cost efffective at all to print a LOT on your own printer. The paper is spendy and so are the printer inkjet cartridges. I just burn a CD with my pics and take it someplace for prints.
I agree with Joel.

If I print out an 8x10 I do it myself on my HP5550 printer. For other stuff I take it to the local Walgreen's and they'll do a roll of about 26 picutres, 4x6, for around $6-$7.
The really nice thing with digital is that I only have them print out the shots that I KNOW that I want. I have saved a ton of money already just on printing costs.
