Full Version: Anyone been up to the Hesper lately?
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My wife wants to do her first Superior dive and the Hesper seems like a good one to start with. She's an experienced diver but one who doesn't like cold water so I'm hoping the predictions of a warmer lake this year holds true. Has anyone been up there lately?
I would consider doing the Madeira first.  I think the access is a little more convenient and the wreck is much more interesting than the Hesper. If your wife doesn't like cold water, the best time to dive these wrecks is late August/early September. It's possible to encounter surface water temps in the low 60's at these times. However, that's not a guarantee since the wind and currents can push in colder water at any time. 

I also read a recent article about warmer temps on the lake this year. The current surface temps look colder than normal to me:

We dove the hesper the last weekend in May. 34 degrees that at depth....brrr. I think access is a toss up. At the Hesper you have a climb over the rocks, but the Madeira has a long trail to the beach and a long surface swim...either one has its challenges. I'd suggest waiting until later in the summer if she get's cold too....
whats water clarity, i herd that superior was very murky this year due to surface run off.
Try the wrecks off the Apostle islands in Bayfield. Water is guaranteed to be warmer than at the Hesper.
The hesper usually is a colder dive.  Something to do with the way the currents flow around the reef there.  But I have seen 60 deg bottom temp in August.