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Arco mine pit dive near Crosby
05-25-2009, 09:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-25-2009, 08:32 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Arco mine pit dive near Crosby
On Saturday we dove the Arco mine pit near Crosby. The water was 55 degrees at the surface and 44 degrees at 75' deep. I was amazed to see all the fish. It was like swimming in an aquarium! I did not know why the fish were not swimming away from me until I found a lure that was hanging from a tree about a foot away from a bass and Art wrote on his slate: "NEST". After I saw this note I quit messing with the bass as much. I did drop over the side of a wall about 75' deep and found a sleeping eel pout near a rock. I grabbed it by the tail and held it for a bit while I got the camera ready. With no video light the video of the eel pout turned out very green so I did not include it on the Youtube video. Here are two links to the two Youtube videos I took:


Check them out and let me know what you think. Smile
05-25-2009, 12:19 PM,
Re: Arco mine pit dive near Crosby
It looks like the vis was better than the rum river @ 20'  ;D. Glad you finally got a chance to dive the pits. Wish I could have made it. Nice video, I have actually had them thump my mask before  >Big Grin
05-29-2009, 11:18 AM,
Re: Arco mine pit dive near Crosby
I also spent the weekend diving in "The Pits", 7 dives over the weekend with 2 of those being a night dive, Soweet!
Dave Torry
Alexandria, MN
05-29-2009, 11:51 AM,
Re: Arco mine pit dive near Crosby
The two videos I shot don't really do justice as to how clear the water is there. Next time I take video I will do a better job editing it prior to putting it on UTUBE. In the past I have been able to turn the contrast up and it really makes the features underwater "pop". I was in a hurry on getting these posted as I was still amp'd up from the dive.

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