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pregnant hammerhead 55 pups DOA
08-01-2006, 11:01 PM,
Re: pregnant hammerhead 55 pups DOA
You said..
As for your statement that you can't afford fresh seafood so this is a good way to get it.  From the Deep Sea fishing charters I saw, the fish is a lot cheaper to buy then the charter.
But those are just some of my thoughts.

Oh it is way cheaper for me.  My boyfriend pays for my dives and travel.  I am a college student and can't afford a Fillet o' Fish.  But when my man goes places, the food that comes back is EXTREMELY cheap!!  Plus he knows a lot of people, so gets trips for next to nothing.  Maybe I am just spoiled rotton...Here I was under the assumption it was a good deal.  I guess if he had to pay full price for charters it would be cheaper to head to Byerlies.

When I was diving for our supper in Texas, I shot the fish right of the long rock thing that people fish off of.  I guess the really tasty fish don't hang out there, and you would have to go out on a boat.  So what I am saying, is..."Yeah..I can see your point"....
Guns don't kill people...Husbands that come home early kill people.

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