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10-28 29 Dive?
10-26-2006, 08:08 AM,
Re: 10-28 29 Dive?

Yeah, let me know which lake you're going to be doing this at, so I can pick a different lake to dive in.  I don't know how fast a bullet travels underwater, but I don't want to find out.

(What's all this hunting talk doing on a diving forum anyway?  Do they talk about diving on hunting forums?   Smile)

The range on a fire- arm underwater is about the same as my speargun underwater(the one with the cleaned, polished, and well lubricated shaft ;D), only about 10 to 15 feet, effective kill range on a large fish for example, would probably be about five to 10 feet.  So I don't think you have to worry..... :Smile

The ones that work the best would be a Glock style autoloading hand gun.  A.380 or 9 mm caliber.  You only get one shot, and you'll have to manually reload.

For me, diving and hunting  go hand-in-hand 8).  I started diving because I was very interested in hunting the underwater world where I was not at the top of the food chain, for me, that adds a new exciting element to being a hunter 8).

The other reason that this topic was explored was because this is the only weekend I have left to dive until after above water hunting begins.  I know it might be kind of a stretch, but maybe  that'll help connect the dots ???

I also have great news! I was able to speak with Art(my dive anywhere anytime buddy) last night, and he is on the road to recovery and ready to start diving. So we are on for Saturday, location yet to be determined. So for any EE divers out there, get ready! new exciting &  bold diving adventures and pictures soon to unfold :o
10-31-2006, 08:53 AM,
Re: 10-28 29 Dive?
Met with Art on Saturday morning at about 1030 in Cambridge, with several different dive options.  We decided on a potential double dive with spectacle Lake and green lake being our targets.  Decided to take the johnboat which was at the person's house that I had borrowed it to.  By the time we got the boat, lake maps, and a plan coordinated,  We realized that the depth finder had been removed from my boat, and the location that we wanted to dive was an island, a submerged island, in the middle of the lake.  We decided to scrap that plan and headed over to a spectacle Lake, which had much better visibility.  We are able to get in the a 30 to 45 minute dive.  Water temperatures being in the low 40s, visibility  At approximately 8 feet. The only treasures located were a mint condition, hams soft top beer can 8)

It was good to see Art and dive with him again! Sorry, no pics to post as camera was left behind Sad
11-08-2006, 04:48 PM,
11-04-06 kill update


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