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Let's just see Huh?
04-14-2008, 09:20 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Quote:A lot of the people you mentioned are people that \"I never paid what their name was\" but they are important to some people I suppose. Maybe I'm selfish but I try to pay attention to the people around me. These people that affect my life directly are at the front of my \"attention\" list and the others... well... Not so much.

yeah, well how would you do if I asked about birthdays and anniversaries?  I'm no good at that..
you're not selfish.. it's just personal interests and where they fall, environments, etc.  Family and those close to us are all important of course, unless you got jerks for rellies.. fortunately, most all of mine fall in the non-jerks.. I could tell you stories but for the life of me, I could only hit on a few birthdays, and probably only mine and 1 or 2.. no, maybe 1 others' anniversaries.. yeah, but I love 'em all too..

Hey, how about those Vikings?.. where's everyone from the sports culture?  Now there's some fanatics.. c'mon, post up.
But, you gotta love those cheerleaders... Wink
Cold and dark down there huh?
04-15-2008, 07:33 AM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Been a Viking fan since I was a little kid, even though it has been a tough road to be on for several years. Enough about them, how about the Wild? They have played well in three playoff games. Some of the best hockey I have seen all year. Three straight overtime games, lots of checking, great passes, some sweet plays set up and super goaltending. Last night was the creme of the crop so far. What a fantastic game.

To tie this to Lee's original post, how close are you to your goal of 30?
04-15-2008, 02:42 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Posters ebb and flow on the forum all the time.  Our posting levels really aren't any different than a year ago.  The cast of characters changes all the time with the exception of a couple dozen main contributors.  We see about 20,000 visitors a month in the winter and around 60,000 a month in the summer.  I think that tracks very nicely with the diving industry in our part of the world. And yes, Hathaway is a babe. Smile 
04-15-2008, 09:56 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Bleaching - Bad.  Caused by change in water quality (run off) and environmental factors (global warming).

Each year the temp of the ocean increases a small amount.  This is bad.

I went to a seminar at the Whitney center, across the street from marine land.  Good Stuff!

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