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Crosby May 25-28
05-22-2007, 04:57 AM,
Re: Crosby May 25-28
Oh the can't camp at Crosby scare again. The state owns or controls only about 8 percent of the land up there. They'd like you not to camp there, they'd like to scare you away and into the Portsmith campground, they'd like to own all the land there, but they don't. Spent many weekends camping where after they tried to scare people off. Even had the DNR come by and they didn't say a thing.
Yes there is some state owned land the DNR will not let you camp on, but most of the area is still open for camping.
05-22-2007, 09:39 AM,
Re: Crosby May 25-28
I wasn't sure if I could make it this weekend, but it turns out that I can make it.  I'm pretty sure I can make it for Saturday and Sunday, but I'm undecided about Monday yet.

Where are people planning to meet?  Is the plan to cook at the campsite, or to run into town for food, or a little of both depending on preferences?  What else is there to do at the site besides diving?  I might bring my mountain bike if there's some good biking in the area.
05-22-2007, 12:53 PM,
Re: Crosby May 25-28
I do some biking and the roads would be interesting to cruise around on but don't expect any single track and the hills are far too loose to be any fun. Even downhill would most likely be too loose.  But the roads would be a blast if you wanted mud and some air Smile If I go I'll have my bike maybe we can hook up.

I don't know what my plans are for the weekend. I would like to log a few dives but as of yet don't know if it's a day or weekend trip.
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
05-22-2007, 08:39 PM,
Re: Crosby May 25-28
If I get everything packed, I think I'll drive down there Thursday after work.  Hopefully get a dive or two in on Friday to start the weekend off.

I'll be camping at Porstmouth myself, folks plan to drive up for a few of the days with their camper and visit.  I drive a dark green toyota camry, has a dive sticker in the rear window in the shape of MN.

Looking forward to this weekend.  Smile

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